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June 5, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I just spent the last hour awash in emotions. I'm still in a fog.

I was engrossed with the information at the Flight 93 Historic Site website.

I'll be there in about five weeks. I decided to take a different route from NH to OH that will take me through Gettysburg and Shanksville, PA.

Both places are hallowed ground but for different reasons.

Shanksville's scarred ground is yet another reminder of the war that's being waged on us by radical Islamic terrorists.

We've been locked in battle with these vermin since the late 1700's. Don't believe me? Then go research why the US Marines fight song's first sentence has the words, " .... to the shores of Tripoli."

I can hear your angry voice now. "Tim, I don't want to hear your historical drivel. I signed up for home improvement tips!"

Guess what?

I try to open my newsletter each week with something that's important and today it's about something that's very important to me - my country and it's future.

You want home improvement? Here you go.

The Condo Wall

I received an Ask Tim question yesterday that blew me away.

A woman in California lives in a multi-story condominium. She was seriously thinking of tearing out a wall in the condo without consulting the HOA or anyone else but me.

I shouted at her to STOP and call a structural engineer. Who knows how important that wall could be to the people living ABOVE her!

CLICK HERE to watch a video about simple walls in houses and how you might determine if a wall is a bearing wall or not.

Can You Write in Hebrew?

My daughter Kelly needs your help if you can.

Look at the following image just below. Can you translate it accurately for her?

If so, will you please reply to me ASAP with the translation?

Gloria's Pantry Knob Question

Gloria asked me about where is the best place to put a pull knob on a narrow tall pantry.

You can read the column, her question and MY ANSWER by CLICKING HERE. You'll see Gloria's question at the bottom of the stack of comments below the column. Scroll down.

Broken Grace

I often share the books I'm reading. Well, a week ago I finished a very good mystery by E.C. Diskin - Broken Grace.

Here's all I'm going to tell you.

I blurted out loud as I read the last few pages:

"Touche' "

Yep, E. C. got me. She completely fooled me.

You do know what touche' means, don't you?

You're going to LOVE this mystery.

CLICK HERE to purchase Broken Grace.


I told you on Friday that I'm starting to sell RARE Google schwag that I've accumulated over the years.

One prized item is a TUMI laptop case that was given to the 300, or so, attendees of the 2005 Google Zeitgeist.

I was one.

New TUMI bags start about $300 or $400. Some are as high as $600.

The auction for this ENDS tomorrow night.

If you know someone that wants a Google collector's item, this is it.

CLICK HERE to put in a bid.

Bearing Wall Footing

Do you know what a bearing wall footing looks like?

I didn't think so.

CLICK HERE to see a magnificent photo of one.

That's enough for a Sunday.

I'll be spending the day doing the material takeoff for my Trex Transcend decking.

Oh my it's beautiful stuff!!!! CLICK HERE to see it.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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