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June 2, 2017 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I hope you had a great past week. I've been crazy busy!

Lots of news to share and a new look for me!

Surprise news too!

Bermuda Meet Up

Two days ago, I got a text from my very close friend Dan:

"How would you like to go to Bermuda on a cruise? Cancellation has created an empty cabin. It's yours if you want. Completely FREE."

Here's the ship:

I've NEVER BEEN on a cruise! My answer was an immediate, "YES!"

So what are you doing three weeks from today? The Norwegian cruise ship Dawn leaves Boston at 4 pm on June 23rd and gets back just after sunrise the following Friday June 30th.

Be IMPULSIVE! Let's have a party! Come with me on the cruise!

Book the cruise and let's do an Ask the Builder Meet Up on the high seas or the beaches of Bermuda!

The cruise packages are not too bad. CLICK HERE to see what I mean.

I do NOT get a commission or anything from Norwegian Cruise Lines. I'm just inviting you to come and relax on this magnificent vessel.

If you live in Bermuda, get in touch with me so we can get together. If you book the cruise, ABSOLUTELY get in touch with me so we can meet on the ship.

New Look

I've been putting off getting an eye exam for a few years. No reason other than pushing it off.

BIG MISTAKE!!! I'm STUNNED how clear things are now. My entire visual experience is so much better.

My eyes are fine but I didn't realize my eyes had changed and I wasn't seeing as CLEARLY as I could with new glasses.

If you've not had an eye exam in the past two years, SCHEDULE ONE!

My youngest daughter Kelly had gotten some glasses online from Warby Parker and I liked the look. I decided to move away from my old-man wire rims to a different frame. I think it makes me look smarter. Kathy HATES them.

Oh well! What do you think? Sorry my eyes are in the shade from the bright sun.

That's a new Diablo Demo Demon Amped saw blade on my shoulder.

CLICK HERE to get one of those bad boys!!

Cool Klein Cooler

Are you looking for a Fathers Day gift idea? Here's a fantastic smaller cooler.

This cooler from Klein Tools, of all people, has really solved lots of the problems with small coolers.

It's taller, it's stronger, and it's got better insulation.

CLICK HERE to see all the amazing features of this cooler.

I guarantee you'll be impressed.

Cleaned Teak Table

Yesterday afternoon I cleaned our outdoor teak table.

I used our Stain Solver certified oxygen bleach. It did an amazing job of removing the sun-damaged sealer.

Stain Solver will CLEAN ANYTHING outdoors:

  • decking
  • boats
  • furniture
  • umbrellas
  • awnings
  • kayaks
  • docks
  • COMPOSITE decking
  • etc.

Here's a photo of the table after I rinsed it off. The reason the center of the table is bent is simple. It's an ingenious design where the table extension folds up and tucks under the other two sections should you want the table smaller.

It's a very clever design.

CLICK HERE to see a similar table made by the SAME COMPANY that made mine. It's very high quality.

I've had this table for over eight years and it LOOKS BRAND NEW. It's NEVER BEEN STORED INSIDE during the winter!!!

I'll have a photo for you Sunday of the sealed table.

Father's Day Gift? Or Other Occasion?

Here's another gift that keeps on giving if you need an idea for Fathers Day or you just want to surprise someone.

I'm STUNNED at how the price is DROPPING for the Amazon Fire tablet.

Look at the colors you can get as well as the ad-free option.

New & Revised Columns

If you're a new or newer subscriber, I'm revising ALL of the past columns at my website. It's a massive project.

To SEE ALL THE REVISED columns, just CLICK the Q & A icon link at the top of any page.

Scroll down and look for a topic that interests you.

CLICK HERE NOW to see all the new and REVISED columns.

Sunday Photos

I've got a bunch of photos I want you to look at on Sunday.

After looking at them, I've got a few questions I want your opinion on.

WATCH FOR THIS on Sunday!!!

That's enough for a Friday for goodness sakes!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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