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July 7, 2019 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

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The summer heat is building here above the Equator and I thought I'd devote this issue to help you keep your cool and SAVE YOU sweet moola.

Concrete Crack Repair - Not Too Hard

concrete slab crack

That's a nasty crack in a concrete slab. There are a few ways you can repair it.

CLICK or TAP HERE to see what I feel is the best product for this job. GREAT VIDEO at this page.

Is Your House HOT?

Are you suffering in your house even though you have central AC?

ac units
CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why you may not be as comfortable as you could be.

Poor-performing AC can be caused by many things. Here's a partial list:

Your AC compressor could also be low on refrigerant, the outside coil could be dirty, the flow of air around the outside unit could be blocked by leaves or other debris, etc.

The bottom line is there are MANY THINGS that need to be right for you to be cool as a cucumber.

Tim, What About Those Solar-Powered Attic Fans?

You mean these?

Solar Powered Attic Fan

Before you go any further, I want you to think about teriyaki chicken wings, or a bucket of crispy fried chicken. Yummy!

Think how that was made possible in the dead of summer for a second. Do you know what farmers have to do to get tasty chickens to your table? I didn't think so.

Okay, now you can CLICK or TAP HERE to see why solar-powered attic fans are, for the most part, hype and a classic case of an emotional fuzzy-feel home improvement purchase in all too many cases.

Hey Timbo! What About Whole House Fans?

You mean these?

whole house fan

Whole house fans work really well in certain situations. Is your home a candidate?

CLICK or TAP HERE to discover if you can employ one of these bad boys to keep you cool on a HOT day!!

That's enough for a HOT Sunday. It was blistering hot here in central NH yesterday with oppressive humidity. The dew point around 2 pm was 78 F.

Yes, I know where you are it could have been much worse.

I'm wearing a brilliant blue shirt and my patriotic bow tie to church today at the request of some who attend my church. They wondered last week if I'd wear the tie today or last Sunday as the 4th of July was almost perfectly in the middle of the week. I wore a red, white, and blue shirt last week with the patriotic bow tie.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Certified Organic Super Cleaner Man - www.StainSolver.com
When All Else #FAILS - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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