Q&A / 

January 30, 2015 AsktheBuilder Weekend Warrior

First, the blizzard was a bust here at my house. At dawn on Wednesday, maybe I had 6 inches of snow.

There were parts of New England that got hammered, but not me.

Yesterday, I was at the hospital for a pre-surgery appointment. Monday I'm getting scoped again in an effort to try to blast through scar tissue that's blocking my left kidney from draining.

Karen Mystery-Last-Name, LNA, and I were talking about traveling because of the cold morning we had. It was minus 7 when I left the house. She's spent most of her life in NH and has not been to many places.

"If you could only visit three parts of the USA, here's the three trips I'd make:"

  • Fly to LA and spend two weeks driving up to San Francisco along the coast with a return trip going through Yosemite, Sequoia, Kings Canyon and the high desert
  • Two weeks visiting the sugar-sand beaches of the west coast of Florida
  • A three-week road trip hitting as many of the national parks in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico

If you're like Karen and haven't had a chance to travel here in the great USA, consider one of those trips. April and May are ideal months to do this at all three locations. If you wait until the summer, it can be too darn hot. Just look at the average temperatures at all three regions and you'll see what I mean.


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Kathy Parks

Guess who I sent a FREE bottle of Stain Solver to yesterday?

Kathy Parks in Palo Alto, CA.

She submitted a GREAT How-To Topic that I used in a column. You should READ the column and then you should SUBMIT your own ideas by CLICKING HERE.

If I use your topic, you get FREE Stain Solver!

HELLO! If You CLICK HERE, I Can Make Your Wildest Home Improvement Dreams Come True!

Joy's Dresser

Joy had two dressers that once were one. She used her skills and magic to transform one.


This should be an inspiration for you to jump into a project!

Congrats Joy!

Wear a Hat!

Gary Walker emailed me about a column I shared with you on How To LOWER Your FUEL BILLS.

Here's what Gary sent:

"One of your posts you talked about keeping warm at home in cold weather.

Your advice was simple - wear a hat.

After reading it , I said, 'Yeah, right.'

Being on high blood pressure meds, I notice drafts and such.

My wife sweats and I'm always cold.

At my age, I don't have the golden locks of past. I'm a little bare up there.

To make a long story short, I tried wearing a hat inside in the basement working and around the house.

IT WORKS!!!! I can do more & almost work up a sweat Thank-you for the post. (my wife thanks you also)."

You're a genius! (Editor's added comment)

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Bob in Kansas City wrote to me after watching my Great Blizzard of 2015 video.

He said, "Tim, you live out in the country and don't have a standby generator!? How about an article about them and how to size and choose for the typical home?"

Can you hear my huge heavy SIGH from here in New Hampshire?

I'm doing such a bad job of trying to communicate to you to use the Search Engine on every page of my website.

Had Bob done that, he wouldn't have to ask me to write a column about standby generators.

Bob, what's more, I taped a special video for you too!

Tim's Tip: When you wonder about if I've done something, USE MY SEARCH ENGINE. Thank You!


Want a Laugh? You have to watch this older video of mine.


Watch it through to the end for the punch line!

That's all for today.

Tim Carter


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