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January 26, 2019 AsktheBuilder Emergency Alert

If you're new, I do these alerts in certain situations.  

A severe Arctic blast of frigid air is starting to invade the central and eastern USA. If you live in northern Michigan or Minnesota, it's already at your doorstep.  

I know WX people tend to overhype the weather, but this could create historic cold temperatures in certain cities.

TODAY is the day to start to prepare.

Do the following NOW:  

Locate all extra clothing, hats, gloves, long underwear, etc. and have them ready to put on to stay warm in your home. Your furnace or boiler will NOT BE ABLE to keep your home at 70 F.  

Go out and purchase a portable electric heater if necessary to help ward off the cold and prevent frozen pipes.  

Locate and know how to turn off your main water supply in case pipes freeze.  

CLICK HERE to read how to PREVENT water pipes from freezing.  

Turn off water to unused bathrooms/fixtures and OPEN the faucet valve to relieve pressure. If the pipes freeze the open valve will prevent pipes from bursting as the ice will force water out of the valve.  

BEWARE of extension cords! CLICK HERE NOW to prevent burning your home to the ground!!! Use the correct size!!  

The bottom line is to GO OUT TODAY and get what you need to protect yourself or your home.  

Use common sense. Think about what you're going to do IF you lose power, or your furnace dies, or ???? Don't try to make those decisions under pressure in two or three days.  

Good luck.  

Tim Carter

Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com  

Do It Right, Not Over!


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