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January 20, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter Follow-Up

About five hours ago (January 20, 2015), I sent today's newsletter out.

It had many links leading back to my AsktheBuilder.com website.

Approximately three minutes after sending the newsletter out, my server BORKED out.

That means it crashed or became unresponsive.

You may have been one to alert me. I appreciate that.

Moments before sending this, I double checked and the website is UP AND RUNNING.

But here's some helpful advice and maybe, just maybe, you might discover something.

If you click links out of a newsletter, on a webpage, or from your phone or tablet and they don't work, there could be ten or more different causes.

It's not always the website you're trying to reach that's causing the issue.

Here's a possible list of suspects:

  • your ISP has lost connection with the Internet
  • a portion of the Internet is down
  • your personal connection to the Internet could be hosed
  • your computer, tablet or phone could be BORKED - it happens all the time

The list is endless.

So, all I ask in the future is to just be patient and try clicking the links a little later and see what happens.

If they don't work that SECOND time, then it's probably a good idea to reach out to me or the website owner.

THANKS again for letting me know!

Tim Carter


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