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January 2, 2022 AsktheBuilder Announcement

Special Announcement - Last Call

This is REALLY FAST. If you subscribed after 4 AM this past Sunday, this is not going to make sense. Hang in there with me.

This message to you is what I call at the Ask the Builder world headquarters a Shot-Across-the-Bow email alert.

This coming Sunday, January 16, 2022, at 6:01 PM Eastern Time the low price of $29.99 for my entire Digital Library is going to disappear forever.

CLICK or TAP HERE and you'll see something unusual. SCROLL DOWN to see the huge list of topics in my digital library.

You'll see FIVE different prices for the same product! The prices range from $29.99 up to $149.99.

As crazy as this sounds, I allow you to decide what to pay. Your clicking one of the radio buttons tells me what YOU think my stuff is worth to you.

Here's what's in store moving forward beyond this Sunday.

On Sunday January 23rd, the $49.99 price will vaporize.

On Sunday January 30th, the $99.99 price will vaporize.

And so on and so forth until the price stays at $149.99 or I RAISE the price.

It's important to realize the retail price of the entire digital library, should you buy each one right now separately in the shopping cart, would be about $1,450.00.

So even at $149.99 it's a tremendous bargain.

BOTTOM LINE: If you feel my entire library is only worth $29.99 to you, you better act on it in the next five days.

CLICK or TAP HERE now to get it before I never let you have it again for that price.

I'm serious. You'll never ever again see it for that price. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Peace out. (in my best Kip voice)

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

P.S. I will send out two LAST CALL reminders on Sunday in case you're a chronic procrastinator. But under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will I honor the current $29.99 price after 6:01 PM this coming Sunday. Peace out a second time. 🙂


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