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January 19, 2022 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

V8 DUH Epiphany

If you subscribed after 5:00 AM this past Sunday, this won't make much sense. Bear with me, or is it bare? No, I'm going with the first one...

Are You One of These?

Visitors to Christmas Gift Page
I know you might be. Those are the 6,020 people that read about my Christmas gift and actually visited this page of my shopping cart.

However, you decided NOT to take advantage of the offer. You may have walked away and backed out of the shopping cart for a host of reasons.

Please understand I'm trying DESPERATELY to SAVE YOU MONEY, TIME, and FRUSTRATION when dealing with contractors.

Part of my Christmas gift was my offer of allowing you to own my entire Digital Library for a tiny fraction of what it sells for full retail.

If you were to buy ALL of my digital products now in the cart separately, you'd spend OVER $1,250.00.

Do you understand that? I'm trying to SAVE YOU $1,200.00.

I know, you might be thinking, "Tim, I don't NEED all the products today. I'll just get them one at a time as I need them."

Do that and eventually you'll spend $200, $300, or who knows, maybe $700.00.

BUT over the past 18 days, I let you down. Big time.

That giant 6,020 number is SCREAMING that I failed to answer these two questions swirling around in your head:

"What's in it for ME, Tim? WHY should I purchase your ENTIRE digital library?"

Horror Stories

After looking at that 6,020 number for a few days, I had the V8-forehead-slap moment.

DUH!!!!!! I wasn't explaining to you how you WOULD, not could, LOSE HUGE MONEY if you weren't using the products.

I'll share a few reasons what's in it for you - WHY you should purchase my Digital Library before I RAISE the price:

Let's say you would like to build a new home, you hire an architect for about $15,000, or more, you get the plans, go out for bid and discover the house is $300,000 over your budget.

Now what do you do? Redraw the house for another $10,000? We know for a fact you just wasted $15,000. You could have avoided this LOSS if you had purchased my New Home Construction Estimator Tool.

Let's say you're like my ham radio buddy Aleda. She got a bid of $19,702 for her tiny house in New Hampshire. The handwritten bid was on a crap piece of paper with an incomplete description of what the roofer MIGHT do.

Had she handed my sleek Roofing Checklist to all the roofers, she would have gotten back bids around $4,000.

Jim Richardson of Woodstock, NY used my Roofing Checklist and had this to say:

"Morning, Tim. Just wanted to share my opinion with you. I purchased your Roofing Checklist Bid Sheet. I have to say you knocked the ball out of the park. I found the pro right away and got a fair price. Thank you for an excellent job, my gain."

I could go on and on and on giving an example of how EACH of the 112+ products in my Digital Library will PREVENT FINANCIAL DISASTER.

You can get ALL 112+ of them for just $49.99!


Over the past two weeks when you went to the shopping cart, did you bother to scroll down this page to LOOK AT ALL THE PRODUCTS in the library? Did you see how no less than TWENTY, or more, of them are in your future?

My gut says you didn't. DO IT NOW for goodness sake!!!

Lose Even MORE Money - OUCH!

Here's the rub, you're about to lose even MORE money by shrugging your shoulders and not investing in this offer that's about to disappear.

Currently you can purchase my entire Digital Library for $49.99.

However, that price VAPORIZES on Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 6:01 PM.

At 6:01 PM, the prices goes UP to $99.99. That's another $50 you're about to lose.

Stop procrastinating. ORDER NOW.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com


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