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January 17, 2018 AsktheBuilder Alert

You can't make this stuff up. I just had another run in today with a PR firm that represents a major manufacturer.

I was going to sit on this news for a few days since I just sent out a blast to you, but this is a life-safety issue.

And as one of the subcontractors that works for my very good friend Nick Motz in Cincinnati says, "Life safety takes precedence over all else."

In this case he's right.

This one's all about propane.

I BEG you to Forward this news blast to anyone that's a big DIYr or any young people that you feel might not know about the DANGERS I'm about to reveal.

propane torch flame

See that cool blue flame? It's anything but cool. Put a sensor in the white area and it will probably measure 3,600 F. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter

CLICK HERE to see what all the ruckus is about.

Once again, LEAVE A COMMENT at the bottom of the column after you read it if you want to send a message to manufacturers or PR firms.

I want to add that I've offered my consulting services to manufacturers for years to punch holes in their products BEFORE they go to market or BEFORE they go to press.

I obviously do a horrible job of marketing this service because no one has ever hired me. My guess is they feel they know better.

Date Bar Cookie Recipe

I got numerous requests for Kathy's delicious date bar cookie recipe. She's going to share it.

Believe me, you're going to thank her.

I'll have it next issue.

That's enough for tonight.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Provoker Extraordinaire'

Do It Right, Not Over!


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