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January 15, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Another week is in the books. I'm astounded how fast time is flying.

FIRST, are you an attorney that practices libel law? If so contact me. I'm NOT in trouble. I'm trying to avoid trouble. That will make sense in just a moment.

This is a VERY UNUSUAL issue of my newsletter. I've got a bunch of money-saving tips for you, but you may think I'm just trying to soak you. Stay with me here because you're going to discover some new things.

I've got quite a bit to share today and you'll not want to miss the stunning before - during - after photos I shot this week below. Wait until you see them.

Overnight, I received a fascinating comment below one of my columns at the website. It was from a woman in Australia that wants me to consult with her via Skype about a horrible yard drainage issue she has.

She wondered if I would talk to her on Skype. Of course I answered, "Well, yes! I've been doing email, phone, video and in-person consulting for over twenty years."

Allow me to share with you a true story.

"You're in the Life Preserver Biz"

Ten years ago, my future son-in-law was sitting with me in my office. He was fresh out of college and had been working with me on some tech issues on my website for about a year.

We were talking about new products and the general direction of Ask the Builder.

"Brent, what's your impression of Ask the Builder and if you were in charge, what's the first thing you would do to improve it?"

"Well, from all the emails you get from your readers and website visitors I'd say you're heading in the wrong direction."

"Really? Why do you say that?"

"It's pretty clear to me that most of your readers are NOT reading what you say to do BEFORE the job starts.

A large percentage of your incoming emails to your Ask Tim page are people who have started a job without research and then screwed up or their contractor has screwed up and your website visitor is drowning. They want you to throw them a life preserver and save them. Like it or not, you're in the life preserver biz."

What's that old saying, "Out of the mouths of babes."? Brent had virtually no business experience, yet he had the clarity to see what was really going on in and around Ask the Builder.

Insert Fifty Cents and Get $5

Imagine walking down a boardwalk near the ocean and a vending machine sign says:

Insert 50 Cents and Get Back $5

You'd probably think it was a scam. But what the heck, you've got two quarters jingling around in your pocket and you put them in the slot.

Immediately you hear the coins drop into the box and in three seconds a crisp $5 spits out of the machine.

A real $5 bill - not a fake one.

What would you do next?

I can tell you I'd go to the nearest vendor and trade the bill for more quarters.

So I ask you this question:

Are you willing to invest $50 to save $500 or $5,000?

You probably bought a Powerball ticket hoping for miracles and lost like hundreds of millions of others.

When you invest with ME, you never lose.


When the Australian woman clicks the Skype call OFF, she'll not be a loser. I'll have given her the exact answer she needs to dry her lot saving her hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars at the same time.

I don't want to throw you a life preserver. I want to STOP your project boat from SINKING in the first place.

That means you either have to take the time at my website to read past columns or watch videos OR you take the Easy Button approach and I call you on the phone.

Just this past week, I've talked with two people and today Stacey from California will be on the phone with me.

Earlier this week, I told Mike over the phone how to install two new drain lines and vent them properly. I even made the following drawing for him.

CLICK HERE and do what Mike, Stacey, and hundreds of others are doing. They're making sure they don't drown.

Understand that my consulting is foolproof. If you feel you didn't get the answer you want, the call is FREE.

MYSTERY LINK! Want a secret or two about how to STOP a pesky problem? CLICK HERE!

Restoring a BURNED Coffee Roaster Bin

My daughter Kelly, who works as a manager at a local high-end coffee shop, brought home a charred coffee roasting circular bin. It was horrible.

The person using the roaster did something wrong and the coffee beans caught on fire. No one was hurt, but the roaster suffered as you can see below.

I asked her, "Do you want me to clean that for you?"

"Dad, you can if you want, but we'll probably just toss it. There's no way to clean it without spending too much time."

"Well, I'll bet Stain Solver can do it with ease."

The following are a series of photos I took. After looking at the photos, read the simple steps I did to get the unbelievable results.

Are you a new subscriber? My wife Kathy and I own Stain Solver. It's a magical Certified organic oxygen bleach. It's a pure powder you mix with water.

It cleans anything that's water washable. The only things I'd not use it on are natural un-dyed wool or silk and redwood.

Here's all I did to get the results you see in the photos:

  • Fill bucket with hot water to cover the cage
  • Add 1/4 cup of Stain Solver powder
  • Walk away for three hours
  • After six hours lift cage out with my hand as you see
  • Rinse and lightly scrub
  • Soak once more overnight

That's all you have to do 95% of the time. In this case, the first soaking removed a vast majority of the burnt coffee bean residue. I decided to soak it a second time overnight to make the cage look like new.

You see the final result in the last photo.

Isn't that unbelievable? I'm here to tell you I BARELY scrubbed it at all. Just soaking removed most of the coffee oils and char.

CLICK HERE to order some Stain Solver now.

Remember, it works on just about any stain and the longer you let it soak, the LESS you have to scrub. It also gets rid of pet stains and pet ODORS.

CLICK HERE to see other customer Before and After photos.

PRO Install of New Front Door DVD

Last week, I put on sale my Wood Rod DVD.

You STUNNED me. The sales numbers exceeded my goal by nearly 30%. Holy Guacamole!

I received several emails with a similar message:

"Tim, would you PLEASE put on sale your other DVDS?"


Are you going to have a new exterior door installed at your home be it a new house or a remodel?

Did you know many carpenters do the job WRONG?

Do you want to SAVE hundreds of dollars and do the job yourself but don't know how

How would you like to know the EXACT steps so your door works properly and does not LEAK WATER?

I show you in this DVD series how I installed my own new front door!

There are so many short videos in this series that I had to include TWO DVDs!

I burn these myself and will autograph them for this sale as a bonus.

Normally the two DVDs are $30.

The sale price is $22.50, you get FREE SHIPPING here in the USA and I'll sign them for you.

The sale is for one week only.

After watching these, I guarantee you'll have the confidence to install your own door and you'll then save close to $1,000.00.

Don't believe me? Go get a quote or two from a professional door installer.

CLICK HERE to order the two DVDS.

Remember, you get BOTH DVDs for just $22.50 plus FREE SHIPPING in the USA.

That's enough for today.

Also, don't drown......

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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