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Insulation Values for Existing and New Homes

Insulation Values for Existing and New Homes

Do you want your house insulation up to minimum standards? If so, then you must read the U.S. Department of Energy's Insulation Fact Sheet. It contains information on the types of insulation you should have in your ceilings, walls and floors. Remember, you can add more if you think you will get a benefit. However, don't compress batt insulation. This means do not try to squeeze a nine inch batt into a six inch cavity. Use some common sense.

For a more accurate and simpler method of determining your insulation needs, try the U.S. Department of Energy's Interactive ZIP Code Insulation Program, which uses your zip code and some information about your house to tell you where to add insulation. The program was developed by the Energy Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. State and local codes in some parts of the country may require lower R-values than the DOE recommendations, which are based on cost-effectiveness.

Related Articles:  Powered Attic Fans-Insulation Facts, Continuous Ridge & Soffit Vent Manufacturers, Ventilation - Keeping Home & Attic Cool

Column B236


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