Q&A / 

How to Clean A Teak Table

Quick Column Summary:

  • How to clean teak
  • Use an oxygen bleach

Leslie Ann, who lives in the land of the Buckeyes in Columbus, OH, needs to clean a teak table that's had lots of stuff on it.  She wants the BEST product, but doesn't want to shop online. Hmmmmmmm

"What is the best way to clean a large teak table (used in the kitchen) that has had years of three growing boys with very sticky fingers using it every day?

Not only is there food remnants but marker and glue remnants as well.  And I don't know what else!!!!

I am hoping to buy whatever I need either at the supermarket, home store, etc.  I would prefer not to have order anything (esp.) online.

Thanks for your help.

My table and I thank you,


Leslie, I sell the BEST PRODUCT for cleaning a teak table. In fact, I just cleaned my own teak table three weeks ago with my Stain Solver.

Stain Solver Certified organic oxygen bleach.

Do you trust me? My wife and I created the product. We're not crooks.

We only sell it online. You can call us to place the order if you want. You will not get hacked. It's SAFE to order online from us.

If you use Stain Solver, the table should come out looking like NEW!



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