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How to Build a Garden Pond Video

Hi, I'm Tim Carter and I want to show you a garden pond or a fish pond with a waterfall. I want to show you the basic construction. I just cleaned this one out and because the water level is not filled up all the way, you can easily see the construction.

This pond has a waterfall at one end. The water level is down about halfway and is about a foot deep now. This pond has a few different levels. Notice the flat area just under the rocks on the right. There is an additional ledge on the other side of the pond.

The pond liner is a sheet of commercial rubber roofing. The pond was dug out and shaped the way the owner wanted. Then the rubber liner was laid over the pond and up and over the sides of the pond.  This keeps the water from running in behind the liner.

The water level will come up another 16" to reach the normal depth. Under a large piece of slate in the bottom of the pond is the pump that circulates water to the waterfall. The black water hose is visible since the water level is down, but once the pond is full, the hose will be hidden from view.  The hose travels up the other side of the pond and flows out onto a flat piece of slate to create the waterfall.

This pond receives a fresh supply of water from the downspout. So every time it rains, the water flows into the pond. So that is the basic tour of how this pond was constructed. Not too complicated.


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