Free Standing Tree House
Free Standing Tree House Podcast:
Tim Carter received a free standing tree house email from Joe who lives in South Carolina. He sent an amazing video you MUST watch below. I pray that Joe leaves his video on YouTube as a teaching moment for thousands of future dads!
Joe wrote:
"I've built a free-standing treehouse for my 9-year-old son but I'm a novice in carpentry. Here is a video showing my nearly finished project and I'm wondering if using 3/8 in galvanized bolts in 4x4 posts was sufficient. I had a professional carpenter visit yesterday and he said he would not worry about it, that the structure should last 20 years. But my son means the world to me and I just want to be sure that I haven't created a death trap."
Watch Joe's video, then LISTEN to Tim's advice in the podcast at the top of this page.

Joe needs to put in FOUR of these braces. Two at each corner on two diagonal corner posts.

Joe needs to scab on a 2x4 under the band board at each post. This treated 2x4 runs continuous from the underside of the 2x6 band board down to the top of the concrete pier.
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