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February 9, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I'm so lucky you're part of my life. You're probably wondering why.

Relax, this isn't going to be mushy.

Two days ago I announced the beginning of the LE Johnson SOFT-Close game. It runs for just another five days.

"What's in it for ME, Tim? Why should I click that link and play some dumb game?"

Take a few moments and read the following. If that doesn't convince you, then you and I may have to share an Aglamesis hot fudge three-step sundae made with mocha chip ice cream at your dining room table.

Three years ago, quite by accident, I discovered two things:

  • You love to discover new products wrapped up in a game
  • You enjoy leaving witty replies about how you like the new products

I read each and every reply because many bring a huge smile to my face.

I just had to share a few because they made me laugh out loud and brought me all sorts of joy.

We need more laughter and joy in this world and you're a wonderful fuel source!

After playing the SOFT Close game, here's what folks like you wrote to me.

Robert Porter wrote: "I'd imagine it's like trying to describe love... can't really understand it until you "feel" it... and I have yet to "feel" the Soft Close hardware, but I imagine it will be WAY COOL when I do!"

Terri McIntyre shared, "Smooth operation and the 007 thumbprint option!"

Chad Donley commented, "I love the invisible hardware and subtle design. It is secret-agent cool."

Laurie Bozych replied, "The pneumatic close is really amazing! I never knew it was available!"

Doug Smith exclaimed, "I never knew pocket doors could look so good!"

I think Doug's comment does say it all.

You just have no idea what might happen when you hand a LE Johnson pocket door kit to a clever woman on a mission, an architect that is overflowing with talent, a seasoned remodeler, and / or a builder who treats his calling as a vocation instead of a job.

What is it that got Robert, Terri, Laurie, Chad, Doug and a few thousand others all excited?

CLICK HERE and find out for yourself!


CLICK HERE and measure the depths of your building ignorance (Famous line of Dr. Kenneth Caster - RIP)


Stan's Lawn Spreader Rust Stain

This morning I received an Ask Tim question from Stan down in Florida.

It turns out he was fertilizing his lawn, finished the job and left his lawn spreader out on his pool deck. He went inside to take a break, forgot about the spreader and went to bed.

It rained overnight and when he awoke from his slumber, he discovered a nasty rust stain on his pool deck.

So he said to me, "I looked all through your website and couldn't find anything to help me solve my problem."

I was perplexed. Why?

His problem jumped out at me: rust stain

I wondered if Stan had really typed his problem into my search engine at AsktheBuilder.com.

So I typed rust stain into the search engine at my AsktheBuilder.com site and came up with the following results.

CLICK HERE to see how it all works.

Much more importantly CLICK HERE and then READ all of my past columns about the topic to discover the EASY way to remove RUST STAINS from exterior surfaces!

How to Vent Plumbing

How would you like to watch RARE video footage of a plumbing vent system in a new home that I installed?

Yes, you might not have known I'm a master plumber as well as a builder and carpenter!

About two weeks ago, I installed the plumbing drain and vent lines in a new home here in central New Hampshire for Gary and Julie. They're friends of mine and they're building a new home.

They asked me if I'd help do the plumbing and since I do love installing that type of piping, I said "Yes!".


I GUARANTEE you'll discover quite a few things you didn't know.

SOFT Close Baby, Yes So So Soft

I need you to do me a favor.

Go play this simple game and tell me if the nutty multiple-choice answers made you:

  • LOL
  • Search: top mental clinics NH
  • Search: best psychologist NH
  • want a very cool LE Johnson SOFT-Close pocket door!!!

That's enough for today.

I need to go VOTE with Kathy in the NH Primary!

Each voting day I'm reminded of how my Dad used to tease my Mom at the dinner table the days surrounding election day.

"Jeane, you might as well not go vote. My vote is going to cancel out your vote."

He'd say that with an impish grin on his face.

My mom would get so flustered.

To this day I don't know how they voted. I think my mom was more liberal than my dad, but I've got no recollection of any discussion they'd have about candidates and who they liked.

But my dad sure knew how to push my mom's buttons!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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