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February 7, 2017 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I've been doing this newsletter since 1997 is my best guess. I can't tell you when I sent out my first newsletter.

One of the biggest mistakes I've made in the Ask the Builder journey is not keeping a journal or diary.

That one line from the movie Field of Dreams that old Doc Graham uttered in his office comes to mind.

"At the time you don't think much of it. You know, we don't recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they're happening."

Well, I do recognize this moment right now. And it will forever be kept at my AsktheBuilder.com website so I can go back and reflect on it.

What is it? Read on, please.

True Value Hardware Paint

Two months ago I mentioned that I had been in Chicago for a brief business trip. I can now share where I was.

I had the good fortune to visit the True Value Hardware paint manufacturing plant in Cary, Illinois.

I've been on many a factory tour. They're all eye-opening.

Usually my biggest takeaway as I watch all the products marching rapidly down the assembly and packing lines is, "How is it possible THIS MUCH of this product is needed day after day after day?"

You're wondering, "Tim, big deal. What's in this for ME? Why should I care about your cool factory tour?"

There's quite possibly LOTS in it for you. Keep reading please.

The Test

I got to meet the top team members while there, John, Rich, Mark, and a few others I fail to remember because I didn't get their business cards.

We all agreed I'd tape two videos for them about two paints True Value is very excited about.

The one was their X-O Rust spray paint and the other one was their EasyCare interior paint. Both are made at the Cary, IL plant. It's a massive facility.

EasyCare Washable Paint

Above is a photo of the can of EasyCare paint I bought from one of my local True Value hardware stores. I had it sitting on my deck railing.

The following photo shows two lab test panels where the X-O Rust spray paint was put up against a top national brand you've probably used for years. The True Value X-O Rust paint is the one that's on the right in the photo.

These test panels were subjected to an official scratch test and then subjected to an ASTM 200-hour salt-fog test.

xo paint vs rustoleum salt fog

These two paints are exclusive to True Value Hardware and you can only get them at your local True Value hardware store owned by one of your neighbors.

The True Value team at the paint plant wanted to test to see how well you would react to my feelings about their paint.

They wanted me to try it myself, do an honest review of both and then see if you'd then consider using it yourself.

To encourage you to do just that, I was able to get them to create two EXCLUSIVE rebate offers. They're fantastic offers and they only run for the next three weeks.

These rebates are ONLY AVAILABLE to you as an AsktheBuilder.com follower / subscriber.

Both rebate offers expire on March 1st.

True Value paid me to take the time to test the two paints and create a video about each one. The links to them are just below.

But Wait, There's More

The real payoff for you is not the rebates. Yes, they're great, yes, you'll save money, yes, you'll get some of the best paint you've ever used.

But the big payoff is a little farther down the road.

However, this payoff all depends on you. Only you can make it happen.

If you can prove to True Value that you trust what I say, go buy a little bit of this great paint you're about to see AND then send in for the rebates, then there's a really good chance I'll be taping many more videos for you.

These videos will help show you how to save lots of time and money and demonstrate amazing new products that I love.

Both paints are already an exceptional VALUE before the rebates.

I can pretty much tell you after you get two cans of the spray paint, you'll wish True Value would have allowed you to send in the rebate for ten cans.

Watch the Videos

Please click the two links and watch the videos. Do that first, then keep reading. The links to the rebate offers are just below.

CLICK HERE to watch the EasyCare wall paint video review.

CLICK HERE to watch the XO-Rust spray paint review video.

The Rebate Offers

Now it's your turn. If you feel the paints are worthy of your investment, then please go visit your local True Value Hardware store and buy some.

CLICK HERE to find your closest True Value Hardware store.

Each rebate is good for two cans total per household. Just read the offers and you'll figure it out.

You NEED TO ACT FAST because the rebates are only good if you buy the paints by March 1st and then send in the rebate form. You'll see.

CLICK HERE for the X-O Rust spray paint rebate.

CLICK HERE for the EasyCare interior paint rebate.


I thought years ago that some company would take an interest in me and help me get the word out to you about great products.

But it never happened. It could have been poor marketing of myself to companies.

However, the time has come.

To get the word out to you about great products, great methods, etc., a person like me needs resources and support.

We both know that video is powerful and it's the future for allowing you to discover new things FAST.

But video done RIGHT is resource intensive.

I've had the pleasure to work with a professional video recording team over the years. John Wall, now a good friend, was my producer / director / mentor.

There were others on the team and some invisible people who did all the post production. A team like this costs money. A real set to tape on costs money. I could go on and on.

The videos you see me do now are done by me with little or no help. Occasionally I can enlist my son to help, but it depends on his schedule.

If you step up and come through buying some of the amazing EasyCare and X-O Rust paint, then there's a CHANCE I'll get to once again work with a professional crew and really crank out lots of videos.

You'll get to watch them for free forever.

Help me get all that information that's in my brain into and out of a video camera.

Help me create more videos.

Help your kids, your grandkids and friends discover at least one more time-tested way to Do It Right and Not Over.

Help me make this a day we'll both never forget.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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