Q&A / 

February 21, 2016 AsktheBuilder Announcement

What a difference a week makes! Last Sunday I taped the video:

Why is My House Cold With the Heat On

Go watch it.

When I woke up this morning and was grinding my coffee beans with my inexpensive, yet powerful, Krups Grinder it was 40 F outdoors!

That's a 47-degree DIFFERENCE in temperature from last week's -7F.

Often people don't put into perspective relative differences in temperature. Think about it this way.

How stark is the difference in temperature to your body between 40 F and 87F? It's the difference between chilly and HOT!

The same thing happens going the other direction. It was BITTER COLD last Sunday

That's why my boiler was running constantly and not able to get my house up to 70 F.

I've got TWO things for you this morning.

Both are VERY IMPORTANT. Let's get right to it.


Today is the day. Today is when I write the last word in my upcoming Defective Shingles Book.

Some extra information finally came available to me in the past ten days that I had been waiting on. It was well worth the wait as you'll discover when you read the book.

What's more, I received a survey response two days ago from Stephen who lives in Warwick, RI.

He talked about how his roof failed long before it should and his "new $10,000 roof" created a dreadful financial burden that he and his wife are still hurting from to this day.

Has the same thing happen to you or someone you know?

I desperately need you to tell me your story if you've suffered a financial hardship because your shingles FAILED far too early.

Did you use up lots of your savings?

Did you have to borrow money from a relative or friend?

Did you have to take out a home equity loan or worse yet, put the cost on a credit card?

Did you have to use some sort of financing from one of the big box stores?

If poor-quality shingles have caused you financial PAIN, I NEED you to fill out my Defective Shingles Survey ASAP.

CLICK HERE to fill it out. Tell me as many details as possible about how the bad shingles have caused you to suffer.

If you have plenty of money and your shingles have FAILED, I still need you to take the survey.


MYSTERY LINK! You have too much stuff. This Spring you'll solve the problem.

What's the BEST way to deal with it? CLICK HERE to Discover what I did!



A few years ago, I was very lucky to connect with a professional video production company in Cincinnati, OH called the PPS Group.

There I met Bob, Jim, David, and John.

John was the producer I worked with to create four super professional DVDs.​

The first one was an authoritative guide on how to install crown molding.

The next two showed how to install a traditional shower pan liner and the poured mud base for the ceramic tile.

The final one was a simple, yet informative DVD about how to install different insulation.

The team at PPS has decided they must have the space where the DVDs are stored.

But that's not the worst part.

Based on the conversation I had with Bob, the majority owner, he's not too interested in producing more copies.

That means the DVDs we now have at the PPS headquarters might be the LAST ONES that are going to be created.

I've sold these for years for $19.95 each plus shipping but now to get rid of them, Bob wants me to drop the price 60%.

Yes, a 60% true Inventory Reduction Sale.

When these DVDs are gone, they're GONE. That's not a lie.

You can now purchase - until the supply is exhausted - each DVD for just $7.95 plus shipping.

I've also created a SPECIAL SKU if you want all four.

You can get all four of them in a bundle for just $27.95 plus shipping.

This is an incredible deal.

I'm here to tell you, you'll NEVER get these DVDs cheaper and once gone, you'll have a collector's item.

Here are the links:

BUNDLE of all Four DVDs

Crown Molding DVD

Shower Pan Liner DVD

Shower Mud Floor DVD

Insulation DVD

That's enough for today.

Remember, please go fill out the Defective Shingles Survey above if you took a financial HIT replacing your roof.


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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