Q&A / 

December 5, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Wait just a minute! Did I just overhear you whispering to Carol, Sean, Maryanne, Armando, Teresa, Vito and about 90 others who are part of your corner cabal about your plans to invade Cuba? I'm sure it was my tinnitus and you being a new subscriber, must have been asking if I played the tuba in my high school band, right?

That said, you might have been receiving these Ask the Builder newsletters for many many years. If so, I'll bet you remember the video I did showing you a secret way to hang things on walls with no visible screws and no hard-to-adjust wires for goodness sake. CLICK or TAP HERE and make room for new information in your tiny gray cells!

Ancient Chinese Proverb

The person who says it can't be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

Christmas Shopping?

Are you shopping on Amazon.com for your Christmas gifts? I know, I know, you might be celebrating some other religious holiday this time of year. I respect that. We celebrate Christmas here at the Carter house.

You can ensure this newsletter keeps coming your way by using my affiliate link to do your shopping. It doesn't increase your price for items.

Jeff Bezos simply flips me a few pennies that he'd otherwise use to buy rocket fuel.
Help Grow Shop At Amazon

Cassette Tapes > MP3 Files

Last issue I asked for your help in identifying the best hardware to magically convert old cassette tapes into MP3 files.

I was not disappointed. You might have been one of the many that responded with fantastic ideas.

CLICK or TAP HERE to see what was sent to me!

Thank you for responding to my request for help. The valuable information you sent to me is going to help thousands save their recordings.

Strong Evidence - God is Indeed a Woman!

There are two videos you should watch that might convince you that God is a woman. The first one will absolutely put a HUGE grin on your face.

Don't get wrapped around the axle on this one because there's no doubt God has a sense of humor.

Who knows? You might need to have yours adjusted. These two SHORT videos will help for sure.
eating twinkes with God
CLICK or TAP HERE and let me know if you're now a believer! I know I am!

Attack Squirrels or Laced Plastic?

For the second year in a row, new strands of my Christmas lights on my deck have been ruined by squirrels that CHEW through the wires.

When you've seen as many sunrises as I have, you might wonder if the manufacturer has added an animal attractant to the plastic insulation. This way they can SELL MORE lights to us unsuspecting consumers.
chewed christmas lights
Have you had the bushy tree rats chew your lights too? I know one thing, the mills of the gods grind slowly but thoroughly...

What You've Been Missing

My new LIVE video streams are really going well. I'm so lucky to have made a new group of friends that show up on a regular basis and ask fantastic questions.

If you want to watch the most recent ones, here are the links:

Build a Dormer Over the Phone! She's Going to Do It!

Build a House Inside a Tent - Seriously!!!

Non-Toxic Paint for Kids - I'm Using It

That's enough for a December Sunday. It's time to throttle back.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
CLEAN FOOD STAINS - www.StainSolver.com
Fun Radio Tales - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. What about building under a tent? What about building in other tough conditions? CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you have a better method.

giant inflatable structure

Find Homebuilding Issue 51 Rear Cover

(C) Taunton Press 2021 - Image republished under the auspice of the Fair Use Doctrine


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