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December 21, 2014 AsktheBuilder Christmas Edition Newsletter

First and foremost - Merry Christmas!

If you celebrate this time of year and use a different name for it, then I wish you blessings and peace as well.

I want to thank you for a great 2014 and I look forward to a grand 2015.

The next week will find me close to my family so this is the last you'll hear from me until after the New Year.

I'll also be spending time over the next ten days planning out what I'm doing for 2015. Not all of the planning will have to do with business.

Much thought will be given to more outdoor radio adventures like the one I just completed with my good friend Jim Cluett.

Over the past week, we built a teepee of all things!

Go watch the video here at my W3ATB ham radio blog.

Kathy says I'm reverting to my childhood playing in the woods, building forts, shooting guns, etc. She's not far off. My guess is Jim's wife Judy says the same to him.

You may want to try to take a few quiet moments and think about what you're going to do in 2015. Here's an easy way to start.

Just answer this question:

After you've been sent up to Heaven, what do you want your friends to say about you and your accomplishments when they're drinking root beer and eating shrimp at your wake?

For example:

"You know, Fred sure enjoyed hiking and donating his time to the local food pantry. I sure wish I could find the time to do those things."


"I admire Diana. I don't know if I've ever seen a woman with more passion about growing a shade garden. I've been to botanical gardens that couldn't hold a candle to her gorgeous backyard!"

There's only one person that can create your legacy.


Just Do It.

Last-Minute Christmas Tool Ideas

Here are three nice tool ideas for that special someone.

For the person that's got everything, take a serious look at the BladeRunnerX2. It's an ideal tool that takes up very little space.

Just CLICK EACH PHOTO IMAGE to get more information about the item.
circular saw

Just below is the BladeRunnerX2.
BladeRunner X2 Saw
Rockwell saw horse

I hope you have the best Christmas ever.

If you have any hatchets to bury, now's the time.

Remember this - The stronger person gets out the shovel and digs the hole.

Be that person this Christmas.

One last thing. Remember the one line from the old movie Little Big Man?

Chief Dan George says to Dustin Hoffman,

"Your heart may never be as soft as it is today."

I don't know if there's a more factual statement about the human psyche.

Merry Christmas!

I'll be back in 2015.

Tim Carter


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