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December 17, 2014 AsktheBuilder Newsletter & Tips

We're just eight days away from Christmas now. I hope you're getting ready at your home.

Yesterday, we finally put up our tree. We cut it down from a local grower on Sunday afternoon. Kathy and I love supporting local businesses when we can.

I've got a link to a short video below that might give you a case of vertigo. Tell me if you think you could continue to walk across the ice on that lake! Talk about walking on water!

Tip of the Week - Keeping Christmas Trees Fresh

I discovered a cool trick a few years back that helps allow fresh-cut trees to soak up lots of water when they're inside a house.

After I make a fresh bottom cut, I take my chain saw and roughen up the bottom inch of the trunk shaving off the bark. This exposes lots of the outer band of the growth ring where the water travels up to the needles.

If you just cut off the bottom of the tree and the container the tree sits in is flat and there's no stand off prongs, you can block water from getting up into the tree.

Removing the bark on that lower one inch solves that problem!

It's really critical you monitor the water level on the tree the first 48 hours inside. As the tree warms up to room temperature, it really soaks up water fast.

If you let the tree dry out, the tubular pathways that transfer water up the tree can close up and then you get brown needles fast!

When it's time to take the tree down, I always get a lopping shears and cut off all the branches on the lower half of the tree.

This prevents scratching doors, trim, etc. when you try to drag a 7-foot diameter tree through a 3-foot doorway!

Last-Minute Stocking Stuffers

Some people don't like it when ice cubes melt and the water dilutes the drink be it whiskey, soda or iced tea.

If you know such a person, get them Sipping Stones!

Remind the person not to chew on the rocks.

Here's a silly sort of gift and it's practical.

Sugru Moldable Glue

I think the best way to describe this is a hybrid epoxy that's flexible once cured.

I just received some but have not had a chance to test it. It looks like it could come in handy.

It comes in different colors. Sugru - Get Some

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New Q and A's for You

Raw Sewage Diseases - Yuck!

Cedar Potting Table Care

Crystal Clear Lake Ice

How to Replace a Broken Floor Tile


That's enough for this week. Yesterday the long-range weather forecast for my house was 20+ inches of snow for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. These forecasts are prone to change.

WOWZAAA if it happens! I'll have my snowblower ready to go to help Santa!

Tim Carter


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