December 17, 2010 AsktheBuilder Tips And Newsletter
What's in This Newsletter?
Latest News
LE Johnson on Twitter
Builders Show in Orlando
Dishwasher Gasket Tip
Snow and Snowblowers
Meet Up in DC
The Grinches of Christmas
Remember, Do it Right, Not Over!
I do product reviews frequently. Please read my Disclosure Policy to understand the relationship between me and the companies that make the products or offer the services I review.
Friendly Question Reminder!
If you have a question for me, don't hit the Reply button just yet. Go immediately to my web site and type in the keywords about your problem into my Search engine. The search box is at the top of every page of my web site. You could have your answer in seconds if you do this! Please pay attention to all links you see at my web site. The exact products and services you often need are right in front of you, and you might be ignoring them.
Latest News
Christmas is now just 8 days away. Kathy (my wife if you're a new subscriber) is not too happy. This is her first Christmas in New Hampshire and there's not a flake of snow on the ground around our house. She was counting on a Norman Rockwell White Christmas.
I'm pleading with Mother Nature to cooperate. Snow is in the forecast for Monday. Let's hope it happens and stays cold to preserve it. When it does snow up here, it's gorgeous. Here's a video of last year's first significant snow.
Speaking of hope, I'm wishing for you to have a Merry Christmas. My Christmas will be very special, as it's the first one where my family will be all together here in New Hampshire. Kathy and I have been looking forward to this for 36 years. There's nothing like setting a goal and then accomplishing it.
Next year will be very exciting for I've many new things planned. The biggest initiative is a series of step-by-step photo guides that will help you make repairs around your home in this these tough economic times. I'll be surveying you just after the New Year to see what you want and how I can best provide it to you. If you're an expert photographer AND DIY guru, I'm looking to hire you as I need help with this project.
Oh, and there is huge, and I mean HUGE, Stain Solver news in January. I've been waiting for this for *years*. What's the news? You'll have to wait. Are you a new subscriber? Visit Stain Solver.
LE Johnson on Twitter
LE Johnson, a manufacturer of superb pocket-door frames and hardware, is now on Twitter @JohnsonHrdware. You can see them at:
If you're not familiar with Twitter, it's a social network that allows you to follow what certain people are doing, working on, or thinking. The best part is that the messages are limited to 140 characters. That means it's tiny blasts of information.
You can see at the TOP of this newsletter that I'm on Twitter. Follow me if you desire.
If you use Twitter and want to stay abreast of trends, tips and all things pocket doors, I suggest you follow LE Johnson!
Builders Show in Orlando and Meet Up!
I'll be attending the Builders Show in Orlando, FL, the second week of January. The plan is to come back with lots of information about new products.
I'm doing a meet up there the morning of January 14th. We're going to have breakfast near the Orlando Convention Center. Email me if you want to come and visit.
Dishwasher Gasket Tip
I've got a Kitchenaid dishwasher here in my house in New Hampshire. I'm not happy with it, as it does a really poor job of cleaning. I've checked everything to make sure the water squirts out of the spinning wands, cleaned all filters, etc. I'm convinced that it's just a ho-hum dishwasher. Kitchenaid used to be a powerhouse brand about 35 years ago, but in my opinion, it's far down the food chain now.
Lately, the gasket around the door that prevents leaks was pulling out of its channel. This was bothersome. After looking at it and the door, I detected the issue. There was a buildup of gradoo on the surface of the gasket and the stainless-steel door where it touches the gasket. After cleaning off the grunge (food particles and who-knows-what), the gasket is no longer coming out when I open the door.
Speaking of Snow and Snowblowers
I just installed a pair of cool roller skids on my one snow blower. These machines tend to have hard plastic adjustable guides on the sides of the hopper that gobbles the snow. Adjusting these up and down allows you to navigate over gravel and other bumpy surfaces.
The old type just scrape along and wear out over time. But these new ones have a wheel in them so the snow blower easily skims across your drive or sidewalk. I'm anxious to try them out! They appear well made and were easy to install.
If you want to buy a pair, just email Bill Raftery at:
Bill will be especially delighted to hear if you were ever a Girl or Boy Scout. He's got great memories of Scouting as do I.
Meet Up in Washington DC!
I'll be in Washington DC on January 5, 2011, to attend a reception for New Hampshire's newest US Senator, Ms. Kelly Ayotte. I've got about 4 hours to kill between 3 and 7 pm before I take my US Airways flight back to New Hampshire. If you want to grab an early dinner or liquid refreshment, email me. I'd love to meet you. If we're lucky, we'll have a decent sized turnout. We can talk about anything that's on your mind.
I'll be leaving the Russell Senate Office Building at 3 pm, and will not have any wheels. I have no idea where to go, so I'd love your suggestions. I want to stay close to the Mall so I can get to DCA with no issues. Email me and tell me if you're interested in getting together.
The Grinches of Christmas - Computer Viruses and Malcontents
Bob Dawber emailed me after the last newsletter with a virus ALERT. If you do online shopping, you're a target because you MIGHT be expecting an email from UPS or FedEx. Here's what Bob sent me:
The newest virus circulating is the UPS Delivery Failure (or USPS or FedEx). You will receive an e-mail from UPS Service along with a packet number. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such-and-such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy attached. DON'T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the past few days.
Snopes confirms that it is real.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family from the Carter's !!
100 Swain Rd.
Meredith, NH 03253, USA