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Christmas Eve Morning 2021

I have a very personal Christmas tradition. I work each Christmas Eve until Noon. So did Scrooge and Bob Cratchit.

It's an odd tradition, but one I do cherish.

Years ago, I was the only one on the job site on Christmas Eve. It was so peaceful. The pace was slow. I enjoyed the solitude.

I remember Christmas Eve 1984. Don Cornett, a commercial architect I knew, stopped by the house I was building. He was on his way home from the office. Maybe he liked working on Christmas Eve too.

We chatted and he marveled at the unique house design created by one of his peers, Hans Nuetzel. I did lots of work for Hans.

So here I am just about ready to wrap things up for the day. I'm listening to one of my very favorite Christmas songs as I type this. CLICK or TAP HERE to listen too.

I Tried So Hard

Do you have any idea how hard it is to carve a few Matryoshka dolls? You may know them as Russian nesting dolls. The trick is to whittle away anything that's not one of the dolls.

Easier said than done.

My Christmas gift to you is just like them. That's why you got the clue two days ago about the Faberge' egg that had a second prize inside the stunning outer egg shell.

Unfortunately, I'm not finished carving. But as God is my witness, you'll have my gifts to you in nine days on January 2nd.

You'll have to brush off some New Year's confetti from the box and maybe move an empty champagne glass that's leaning against the box.

Merry Christmas to you!

I'll be back on January 2nd.

Here's our Christmas Tree for this year. Kathy outdid herself once more. It's a fresh-cut tree I keep watered using this method.
Christmas Tree 2021
Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over! (including getting the star straight dummy!)


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