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Cedar Shakes – Literature / Association / Preservatives

Cedar Shakes - Literature / Association / Preservatives

NOTE FROM TIM CARTER - Founder of AsktheBuilder.com - posted October, 2016: I no longer would apply Defy deck sealer to any exterior wood that I own at my own home. Defy is made by the Saver Systems company listed below.

Want more information about cedar shakes? Everything you ever wanted to know is readily available and free for the asking. You can learn about how shakes are made, graded, treated for fire resistance, cleaning, repair, installation on new roofs, etc. Simply go to the following web site:



There are over 250 cedar producing mills in America and Canada. They produce different levels of quality. You need to make sure you have the best shakes if installing new or rebuilding an existing roof. If you want the best, you need to specify Certigrade, Certi-Split, or Certi-Sawn shakes or shingles. These trademark names can only be used by mills which are members of the Cedar Shake Bureau.

If you want to get up to speed quickly with respect to cedar shakes and shingles, read the Guide to Cedar Roofing on the website of Watkins Sawmills (www.watkinsawmills.com). This booklet hits the high spots and tells you important information concerning cedar shakes.

Preservatives & Sealants for Cedar Shake Roofs

  • Sikkens Cetol SRD
  • Duckback Products, Inc.
  • Flood Company
  • Saver Systems
  • Wolman Company

Check out the product literature of these companies. Be sure to confirm that the product you choose can be used on your cedar shakes. Follow directions to the letter when using any of the products.

Column B77


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