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Cedar Potting Table Care

Debbie Foley has a question about her cedar potting table that's stored outdoors all winter in Pickerington, OH.

"I have a cedar potting table that must remain outside over the winter.  What should be done to care for it over the winter?

Should it be covered and if so what should we use to cover it?  It has not been sealed it is just bare wood.

My husband made it and is worried that we should have covered it over the winter.  What should we do to care for it overall to make it last for years?"

Debbie, first the wood should have been treated with a penetrating wood sealer that has medium-brown pigment. Try to use one with synthetic resin, not natural oil-based sealers. The natural oils are food for mildew, mold and algae.

If it were me, I'd just cover it with a piece of OSB or plywood  that's one foot bigger in width and length of the table. This provides a 6-inch overhang around the table edge. Place this piece of wood on the table top but put some thin pieces of wood that create an air space between the table and the sheet of wood.

Put some weight on the wood sheet so it doesn't blow away.

You'll have to periodically clean and seal the table. Use my Stain Solver Certified oxygen bleach to restore it to brand-new condition and then reseal it. You'll probably have to do this every three years.


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