Leaks around front doors can be from any number of potential defects. Among them, the installer might not have included a weather membrane under the door threshold.
Leaks around front doors can be from any number of potential defects. Among them, the installer might not have included a weather membrane under the door threshold.
When working outside in winter weather, you need to dress for the weather. Cold weather clothing is available to keep you warm and dry when the elements aren't cooperating. A temporary work shelter can also keep out the weather.
Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
When framing a door, there are several factors to consider. The door framing could be different for interior and exterior doors, and if the door is being framed in a load-bearing wall.
Pocket door hardware must stand the test of time. The hardware for the pocket door is hidden inside the wall. The hardware needs to remain straight and not allow the door to jump the track.
There are several reasons why your door locks or deadbolt quit working properly. Discover some of these door lock problems and how to troubleshoot the cause. A little adjustment of the door lock hardware might get your door lock working again.
Knowing how to install a prehung door is important to get the job done right. If you don't follow these tips, your prehung doors could rub, not close properly or open by themselves. Prehung door installation requires the proper size door, the correct hand and shims.
Tim Carter fixes a loose door knob handle. Taking apart a door knob is a simple repair job with just a few screwdrivers. This video will show you how to tighten door knob.
Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, demonstrates the importance of properly adjusted door hinges.
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