These home automation companies contacted me right after my house wiring column ran in the newspaper. Contact them for home automation products and services.
These home automation companies contacted me right after my house wiring column ran in the newspaper. Contact them for home automation products and services.
Home automation products are many. Here is a list of home automation cable makers and home automation system manufacturers.
House wiring plans can make your home more technologically ready in the future. Wiring a house for the future involves several conduits to connect different areas of the house. Home wiring automation voltage is low and should be installed at the right time.
Do your lights dim when AC comes on? One reader has this problem - do you? Read on to find out why and how you can fix it.
Whole house surge protection can be done with a surge protector connected to your electric panel. These surge protectors are harder to find. One manufacturer was located that provides surge protection for the whole house.
Surge protectors, or surge suppressors, come in many varieties. In the surge protector chart below you can compare joule ratings, warranties and prices to find the best surge protectors for your home.
Surge protectors and surge suppressors are not all of high quality. Many are sub-standard protectors that claim to be the best surge protectors. A surge protector should have a certain voltage, joule rating, a good warranty and an alarm. A few manufacturers offer a whole house surge protector.
Electric surges can ruin your electric appliances. A surge protector and lightning arresters can protect from short circuits. Surge protectors are a must, whether in the surge suppressor or point-of-use form.
Doorbells and door chimes come in so many different varieties and sounds. The manufacturers listed below have many door chimes and wireless door chimes options. There are even door bell chimes for the hearing impaired.
Wireless doorbells and wireless door chimes use a radio transmitter to operate. These wireless systems are easy to install and use your existing door bell button. A slave chime actually rings the bell.
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