Cork flooring has been used for years in many public buildings. Cork floors provide a resilient floor with sound deadening characteristics. Install cork flooring is done with adhesive on a smooth surface. With it's unique characteristics and look, a cork floor provides a great alternative flooring choice.
Laminate flooring is a great DIY'er project. Read this column for helpful tips on installing laminate flooring. Plastic laminate flooring manufacturers and laminate flooring types are provided, along with how to install laminate flooring suggestions. Your laminate floors will look great.
Carpets require the proper carpet padding or carpet cushions for maximum wear. Carpet cushions can provide insulation when installing carpeting over concrete.
Carpet buying is tough because there are many variables to consider. Residential carpet is available in nylon, polyester, olefin, wool or a combination. There are other characteristics to consider - face weight, fiber density, twist, tuft bind and durability. Carpet padding is often misunderstood. What is the best padding for the carpet?
Natural stone products are very impressive building materials. Granite countertops, slate floors, terrazzo, marble are add unique touches to your home. Tips for marble, granite and terrazzo are provided in this column.
Modern vinyl resilient flooring bear little resemblance to linoleum of old. Resilient floorings today incorporate a wide range of materials which make them far more durable and bouncy than the old. Check out cork flooring, vinyl floor tile and rubber flooring.
Floor squeaks are a nuisance. Tim Carter demonstrates one technique for finding squeaks in floor and an easy way to eliminate floor squeaks. You'll no longer be bothered by floor squeaks and pops after putting these tips to use.
Bamboo flooring is a wonderful hard surface that resembles traditional oak hardwood flooring. People like bamboo hardwood flooring because bamboo floors have a light grain and are very durable. Bamboo flooring installation is not that easy. You need to be an experienced carpenter as much of it installs just like traditional tongue and groove hardwood flooring.
To install vinyl floor tile, the surface must first be smooth. Vinyl floor tile needs the correct adhesive in order to bond to the floor, and they also need to be rolled onto the substrate for maximum adhesion. When caring for a vinyl floor, regularly mop or vacuum dirt and grit off the surface.
These vinyl floor tile manufacturers make vinyl floor tiles and plank vinyl floors. Order a vinyl floors catalog for truer colors than what you will see on the Internet. There are many different vinyl floors to choose from.