Leveling a Toilet on a Tile Floor DEAR TIM: I’m about to step outside my comfort zone. This weekend I’ve decided to delve into the depths of toilets. My current toilet is horribly stained and nothing I’ve tried seems to help. Besides, I want one of the newer toilets where the seat is higher up Read More »
How to Patch Concrete Around Shower Drain Tim Carter demonstrates some helpful techniques when adding new concrete to an existing concrete slab for a basement shower drain.
How to Install Shower Drain Pipe Part 3 Tim Carter demonstrates the proper technique when fitting and gluing the PVC pipe together to finish installing the shower drain.
How to Relocate Shower Drain Part 2 Tim Carter continues to explain various tricks that help when moving a basement shower drain. NOTE FROM TIM: Please do yourself a favor and WATCH all of the following videos that cover the entire aspect of relocating this drain: