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Carbon Monoxide Filter

Carbon Monoxide Filter Company

I have two separate HVAC systems in my house. One heats and cools the first floor and basement and the other one services the second floor. Eighteen months ago my best friend - Richard Anderson (who happens to be one of the best HVAC people in Cincinnati, Ohio) - introduced me to electrostatic filters. The first ones I used were made by the Lifetime Filter Company. I was amazed at how much dust and dirt the electrostatic filter captured versus the old El Cheapo fiberglass throw-away filters I had been using.

After testing them for a year, I became a believer in electrostatic filters. Believe it or not, one of the original manufacturers of the filters is only 4 miles from my house and I didn't even know it! They happen to be a leader in the industry. They are also the only current manufacturer that offers a built-in carbon monoxide detector in some of their filters. The company name is Newtron Products.

I recently started testing their top of the line filter in both of my systems. It is amazing how much small dust and dirt (and I am quite sure invisible dirt) these filters capture. I can tell a difference in the living area of our house. There simply is not as much dust around as there used to be.



Other Electrostatic Filter Manufacturers:

  • Allergy Free, Inc. ... 713-337-3764

  • Dust Free, Inc. ... 800-441-1107
  • American Air Filter ... 502-637-0011
  • Permatron ... 847-451-0999
  • EnviroGuard ... 713-467-4477
  • Bruhow Industries ... 901-853-1357

Companion Articles:   Electrostatic Air FiltersElectrostatic Air Filters & Cleaning Tips, a href="http://test.askthebuilder.com/electrostatic-filter-resistance-comparison/">Electrostatic Filter Resistance Comparison


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