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Buy the Best Acrylic Latex Paint and Primer

100 Percent Acrylic Latex House Paints and Compatible Primers

Just below is a LINK that will take you to a list of 10 manufacturers of 100 percent acrylic exterior house paints. Be aware that the manufacturers introduce new products with different names on a constant basis. For example, Sherwin Williams came out with a paint called Duration on or about 2005. Then around 2013 they introduced another new acrylic paint called Emerald.

All manufacturers make a compatible primer. These are the paints you must get for a superior painting experience. Do not accept substitutes! Beware of paints that simply state "acrylic" paint on the label. Did you know that a manufacturer can put a small amount of acrylic resin in the paint and then add additional vinyl acetate or other lesser quality resins and STILL call the paint an "Acrylic Paint"? You have to be careful out there!

Some new paints say they don't require a primer. As far as I'm concerned about this claim, the jury is still out.

Pricing is always a great barometer. Acrylic resin is the most expensive ingredient (by quantity) in paint. It can cost up to twice as much as vinyl acetate resins. This means that a 100 percent acrylic resin house paint can have maybe several dollars more worth of basic ingredients.

These costs must be passed on to you. You can bet that a 100 percent acrylic house paint will be one of the most expensive paints in the store. Thus, if you see "bargain" house paint for $8 to $10 per gallon, resist the temptation! It probably has a so-so vinyl acetate resin that's not that good.

You can get good buys on the best paint. Watch for sales. The spring and early fall are times to watch for paint sales.

CLICK HERE for the link to the top manufacturers.

Column B321


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