Build a Wood Fired Kiln
Wood-Fired Kiln - Easy to Do in Hours
This is the video I watched that gave me the inspiration to build our prototype wood-fired kiln. This is the kiln my youngest daughter requested. Read the back story in my May 3, 2020 Newsletter.
Read an update in the February 14, 2021 AsktheBuilder Newsletter.
I've captured all sorts of video of the kiln I made, but haven't edited it and uploaded it. I will soon and it will appear on this page.
What Materials are Needed for the Wood Fired Kiln?
You need:
- concrete
- 1/2-inch steel rods
- concrete blocks
- sand
- fire brick
- a clay flue liner 8x8
How Long Does it Take to Build the Kiln?
It will take at least three days to build the kiln. The first day is spent pouring the foundation. Allow the concrete to cure for at least 48 hours before starting to dry stack the concrete blocks, fire brick, and clay liner.

This is the kiln I built with my daughter. It took an hour to pour the concrete slab foundation. Three days later, it took just two hours to stack and make the needed cuts on the firebrick. It's SO EASY.
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