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Best Bar Harbor Builder

Best Bar Harbor Builder - I Might Be Able to Help

My daughter and son-in-law built a new home in Bar Harbor beginning in late 2018. I was not the builder, but I did act as their primary advisor. I also installed all the plumbing, radiant heat, and electric.

I live hundreds of miles away in New Hampshire and no longer do the active day-to-day building of homes. They had to use a local builder who could run the project.

Best Bar Harbor Builder

I didn't build this house for my daughter, but I acted as her advisor since I live hundreds of miles away. Copyright 2019 Tim Carter

If you're thinking of building a new home in Bar Harbor, Maine anywhere on Mt. Desert Island or in the nearby towns, you might want to have a quick 15-minute phone call with me.

Building a new home is stressful and if you pick the wrong builder, it could cause you all sorts of anguish. I know as I get emails from people every month all across the USA who didn't do their homework.

Did You Meet the Best Bar Harbor Builder?

Yes, I'm quite certain I met the best Bar Harbor builder. He took me on a tour of an exquisite home he built.

Did You Compare Notes With the Local Building Inspector?

Yes, I had a very interesting conversation with one of the building inspectors on Mt. Desert Island.


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