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August 4, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

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I've been making great progress on re-roofing my house.

I can only work a few days a week on it and evenings because of my FUN part-time job in the summer as a train conductor.

That's why the newsletters have been sparse.

Believe me, in the early fall I'll be back to dumping great information and tool reviews on you like ash falls from the sky during a volcanic eruption.

I Need HELP!

You may be one of my subscribers that LOVES to find things on the Internet.

It's a game and challenge for you.

Well, what if I told you that not too long ago you could go to any roofing supply house and purchase a simple coil of tin-plated steel.

It would come in 50-foot rolls and be in widths of 12, 14 or up to 20 inches wide.

The thickness of the metal was just 0.013 inches or so.

Tin is what was used for DECADES to create the flashings around chimneys, dormers, skylights, step flashings, etc.

It's a wonderful material because it can be soldered with ease.

Once complete, you could paint it. The flashings would last for over 100 years.

Guess what? I've called just about every roofing supply business within 100 miles of NH and no one has it!

Let's see if you can find some. I just need one roll about 20 inches wide and 50 feet long.

Find a place that will sell me that roll and ship it to me. Give me the URL for the page where you found it.

THANK YOU for helping me!

A Quick Quiz

I read a book about Hoover Dam a few months back. It was a great book.

Hoover Dam - An American Adventure

Working on my hot-as-blue-blazes roof, I've been thinking about the hard work the men did to build that dam in the searing temperatures of Black Canyon.

Here's the question:

What was the labor contract to build Hoover Dam?

CLICK HERE for the answer!

New Q and A's for You

I need to scoot to the train.

Here are two new things for you.

One you're not going to believe, especially if you've ever been in a canoe or dingy.

Michelle Needs to Size her AC Unit


That's all for now.

Be patient with me as the summer progresses!

I think I'll have a big announcement for you in a few months!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!
(the crane people are thinking that)


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