Q&A / 

August 30, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

In the past few days, we just celebrated the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that pummeled New Orleans and points east and north.

Eighteen months after it struck, I visited the exact spot the eye of the hurricane made landfall.

Then I saw two stories about hikers needing help after getting injured or lost in the wilderness.

What do these stories have to do with you and home improvement?

It's all about the ultimate DIY.


If you want to survive in just about any situation, you need to have skills to be self-reliant.

The first story I read was about a young boy who saved his father. Both were out on a backpacking camping / hiking adventure. The father got severely injured when a boulder the size of a refrigerator tumbled and struck him.

Skills the boy learned as a Boy Scout played a large part of the happy ending to the story.

But it took three days to get help.

The second story was about a 62-year-old woman who got separated from a group she was hiking with in California's Sierra Nevada mountains.

She was wandering for nine days.

What would you say if I told you that the boy and the woman could have had help on the way in less than an hour using a radio and antenna that fits inside a small plastic box you could put two bagels in?

The total price of everything you need to get help costs less than $400.00.

If you want a challenge and like to build things from a kit, you can get all you need for less than $200.00.

I own tiny radios I can use to get help. One of my hobbies is amateur radio. You can get a license and discover how to save yourself or family in a disaster or while lost in the wilderness in 30 days or less.

I'm serious. It's all about attitude.

CLICK HERE to read any number of stories where I use this setup to communicate with others here in the USA and across the world. Look at the article titles in the right column.

Yes, I know all about satellite phones. No need to tell me about them. Wait until you see what they cost and the charges per minute assuming you know exactly who to call when you need help.

The bottom line is when just about any disaster strikes, you'll be on your own. You need to figure out on your own how you'll get help or survive.

CLICK HERE to Discover Long-Lasting Concrete Secrets


Cleaning Vinyl Siding

Two days ago, Mike asked me if it was safe to use my Stain Solver Certified Organic Oxygen Bleach to clean his algae and mold-covered vinyl siding.

My answer was: "Heck Yes!"

Stain Solver cleans algae, mold and mildew from any exterior surface.

Kathy and I own Stain Solver. It's a product we developed nearly twenty-two years ago!

CLICK HERE to see some unbelievable Before and After photos.

Scroll down the page and when you see a photo in the left column that interests you, CLICK IT.

Wet Basement or Damp Garage?

Do you have water leaking into your basement, crawlspace or garage?

CLICK HERE to read a new column that explains what the problem might be and HOW TO SOLVE IT.

That's enough for now.

I need to get ready for church and then I'm up on the roof the rest of the day.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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