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August 23, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Welcome if you're a new subscriber! See the AsktheBuilder.com word just above your name?

Each week that's a secret link to a past column or video that can help make your wildest home improvement dreams come true. Go click it now. ( <== The link is right here for the online Newsletter.)

The subject line of your email was pretty dire, wasn't it?

I'm talking about how the end of summer is near. You know that's the case when pre-season NFL football games are being played.

This means you and I need to get cracking and finish outdoor projects.

I can hear you now, "Tim, I live in sunny south Florida, Phoenix, or Indonesia where it's always summer."

Well, that's good for you but some of us will be dealing with snowblowers in just three months or less!

As for me, the push is on this coming week to make great progress on the last part of the huge re-roofing job at my own home.

It's turning into a career instead of a summer job. I'm installing a drop-dead gorgeous single-width synthetic slate made by DaVinci Roofscapes.

CLICK HERE to see the amazing products they have. It's a roofing material that will last generations.

New Garage Door Opener

Yesterday, I spent the better part of four hours installing a new Chamberlain garage door opener that's WiFi enabled and has a whisper-quiet belt drive.

It's a very nice opener and it took a while to install because it's ten inches shorter than the existing Chamberlain opener I had.

I wasn't expecting that curve ball and it caused me to have to cut new longer angle irons that support the opener from my garage ceiling.

I also then had to break out my ham-radio soldering iron and solder. Because the opener was shorter, I had to add on 1-foot pieces of low voltage wire to the existing wires that connect to the wall control and the sensors at the bottom of the track.

I prefer to solder wires in this situation rather than twist the wires and use wire nuts.

I also discovered the 2 x 10 that the previous owner or garage-door installer put up on the wall above the door needed to be screwed to the wall.

The IDIOT that installed this block of wood just used two NAILS. This block of wood is very important and must be solid. The long metal arm of the opener connects to this block and you don't want it to move.

I can use my Nexus 4 smart phone to monitor the opener from anywhere on the planet. This means if I need to close or open the door and I'm 2,589 miles away and my phone can connect to the Interweb, I can operate the door.

As Kip sang in his wedding song in the classic movie Napoleon Dynamite, "I love technology!"

CLICK HERE to discover more about this great opener.

Video Product Reviews

In a previous newsletter, I put in the headline something about my Disclosure Policy at my website with respect to product reviews, but I didn't talk about it.

CLICK HERE now to read my Disclosure Policy.

Once you get back, I'll fill you in.

Okay, what did you think of that? My guess is you've never seen one like it.

Here's what you need to know, especially if you're a public relations manager, marketing manager or have anything to do with selling a product or service.

In the past nine months, there's been a major tectonic shift in the marketplace. It's huge.

I've been approached by several major manufacturers about doing PAID video reviews.

Why would they do this?

Just do a BING.com search and you'll discover all sorts of reports about the huge growing trend of mobile video consumption. CLICK HERE to read a few.

Here's the bottom line that you need to know with respect to AsktheBuilder.com and video reviews.

I'm in the process now of negotiating with several companies about doing quite a few paid video reviews.

It's the future.

Companies are looking for *Influencers* - that's the fancy name they're attaching to media folk like me - who have decades of hands-on field experience and understand how to connect using video with their audience.

CLICK HERE to watch one of these videos. This is one about a product I LOVE and use.

Here's my PROMISE to you:

I'm only going to do paid video reviews for outstanding products. PERIOD.

As I said in my Disclosure Policy, at the end of the day I only have one thing:

My integrity.

I don't want to sully it in any way and I don't want to lose your trust.

What do you think of this emerging trend about paid video reviews?

How do you feel about my Disclosure Policy?

New Q & As for You

Here are a few new tips for you.

STOP Brick Wall Leaks With Great Products

Patio Slopes Towards House

Tile over BAD Concrete? You Bet You Can with Magic!

Patio Gravel Base and COMPACTION SECRETS

That's enough for today.

This is a big week for me on the roof.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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