Attic Condensation Podcast
Attic Condensation Podcast:
- Attic Condensation - Tim Carter, the founder of, talks with Marvin who lives in Lexington, KY about his pesky attic condensation. Marvin notices it forming on the tips of the nails protruding through his roof sheathing.
- Marvin's story was featured in Tim's November 7, 2018 Newsletter
Home Improvement and Home Construction Podcast
Photos, Links and Great Stuff:
Related Links:
Frost on Nails in Attic - Attic Condensation
Turbine Vents Best Way to Remove Attic Condensation

This is Marvin's furnace up in his attic. He feels it's contributing to his attic condensation issue. It is to a slight degree. LISTEN to the podcast to see how to stop the condensation.

The red arrows point to the perforated soffit vents. All the pieces in between are SOLID. The solid pieces of vinyl need to come out and be replaced with perforated sections.

Here's the rear of Marvin's roof. He's doing everything right here. He's got turbine vents and several static vents. I'd probably put in a continuous ridge vent to ensure no issues.
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