AsktheBuilder Recipe Submission Form

Recipe Submission Form

Use the form below to submit your recipe to

I want to thank you in advance for SHARING. We can all experience a food coma together.

Tim's Signature 150 pixels


Email Address:

I CERTIFY and CLAIM I will NOT just copy and paste below a recipe I RIPPED OFF from some other chef, cookbook, website or source. It's okay to upload your own recipe or one you inherited from your ex-wife, ex-husband or grandma. Yes
Yes - I swear on a stack of Oreo's
Yes - I solemnly swear on a stack of Belgian Waffles with fresh NH maple syrup

Name of your recipe (i.e. - Blueberry Turnovers, Grandma's Secret Sauce):

Enter any story or history about your special recipe - or the number of people that have passed out from a food coma.

Enter your recipe here. Please list the Ingredients one per line. Please make sure everything is clear and correct. THANK YOU!

Enter your Step-by-Step Preparation Instructions:

Use this to upload a photo of your finished recipe from your computer. It's NOT Required, but photos will help others visualize your great cooking skills and magic.

Paste in here a URL of a webpage or EMBED code if you have a YouTube (or other video platform) video showing you making your recipe. This is NOT required.

To SUBMIT your recipe to me so I can SHARE it with the world, you MUST AGREE to the legal Terms and Conditions that are a result of our decaying litigious society. Don't blame me - blame the blood-sucking attorneys that crawl across the face of the planet. Yes - I Agree Tim.
Yes - It's a good thing you didn't go to law school.
Yes - I want to hire you as my defense counsel!
Yes - You need a show on Comedy Central.
Yes - your humor SUCKS and you should stick to building and remodeling, not COOKING! (You don't want to hear what I'm saying back to you.)