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AsktheBuilder Fan Page

Are you an AsktheBuilder.com fan?

If you watch my videos, you get to see me and discover what I'm doing, but I want to know about you, and what projects you may have accomplished with a little virtual help from me.

Would you be willing to share a photo or two? If you could do that and answer the questions below I finally get to meet you!

If you do that, I'll create your own special AsktheBuilder.com Fan Page right here on my website. 


P.S. I'll only share as much information as you want me too. The name and email address below are REQUIRED fields, but I'll NEVER publish nor give out your email to anyone. 

If you just want to put in your first name, that works for me!

By clicking the Submit Form button below, you grant me permission to publish your photos and small story for the world to see expecting nothing in return except the pleasure of Doing It Right, Not Over!

It'll be fun. I can't wait to see what project you've accomplished or plan to do.


Email Address:




When did you become an AsktheBuilder Fan? (Month and Year)

Tell me about you! Are you a DIYer? What are your hobbies?

What do you like most about the AsktheBuilder videos?

Upload a photo of yourself:

Upload a photo of you next to a completed project, or one soon to be finished:


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