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April 3, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

New subscriber? Greetings Earthling!

Subscriber in Good Standing? TNX as we say in Morse for hanging with me.

If you're a new subscriber, this is an UNUSUAL issue. I'm devoting the entire newsletter to one topic: Oxygen Bleach

So don't judge future issues on this one.

Ask the Builder On-Demand Radio Show 5

Podcast 5
My fifth on-demand radio show features:

  • Debbie's son has a pesky flat roof leak connected to a deck
  • TJ wants to build his own home - nightmare or victory?
  • Ann needs heat in an unfinished garage attic
  • Tim Carter - me - is crowned King of Fools by Kathy his wife

CLICK HERE to listen to the show or READ the story about how I created molten metal that ruined Kathy's new kitchen.

Oxygen Bleach

The Magic All-Purpose Cleaner

I'm sure you've used chlorine bleach before. You unscrew the cap and the fumes make your eyes close and you pull back your head away from the toxic brew.

If you splashed it and got a drop on your jeans, now you've got a permanent white dot where the aggressive bleach removed all the colored dye.

Perhaps you used chlorine bleach in your washing machine each week. After a month or two you began to notice the colors fade and eventually the material shreds.

Maybe you were like my neighbor and systematically tortured and then executed some gorgeous trees or landscaping because you used chlorine bleach outdoors to clean your deck, patio, roof or ????

Forget about chlorine bleach. Start using OXYGEN BLEACH instead.

Oxygen bleach is:

  • non-toxic
  • safe for septic systems
  • color-safe
  • fabric-safe

The top certified organic brands, like Stain Solver, have NO additives/perfumes.


My wife Kathy and I own a tiny company that makes Stain Solver oxygen bleach. It's the only certified organic brand I'm aware of. We have THOUSANDS of devoted customers. You may be one.

Stain Solver Oxygen Bleach

How I Discovered Oxygen Bleach

CLICK HERE and read a quick story about how I met Jef Morgan back in the mid 1990s for dinner at Montgomery Inn in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jef worked for Burlington Chemical company. He was not only a physical chemist, but he was also in charge of their marketing. I wish you could have been at the dinner meeting because you'd be an evangelist about oxygen bleach too.

Jef's a dynamic speaker and passionate about the magic of oxygen bleach.

What Oxygen Bleach Cleans

It would probably be better for me to give you a list of things NOT to clean. That would be a much shorter list.

If you can wash something with water, then the odds are you can use oxygen bleach to DEEP CLEAN the item and remove stains that other cleaners can't touch.

Do NOT use oxygen bleach on the following:

  • aluminum cookware - it will darken it
  • sterling silver - it will turn it black
  • un-dyed natural wool or silk - it will discolor it
  • garments dyed with fruit juices or wood tannin

Almost all dyed clothing is made using SYNTHETIC inorganic dyes. These will not be harmed by certified organic oxygen bleach.

Here's the SHORT LIST of what I use Stain Solver oxygen bleach to clean:

  • decks of any kind - wood or composite
  • docks near pure lakes - oxygen helps the water!
  • all laundry stains
  • all carpet stains
  • all denture or partial stains
  • all pet stains and odors
  • all red wine stains in clothing, carpet, tablecloths
  • tile grout - especially floor tile
  • coffee and tea stains in/on anything
  • heirloom linens
  • grease from kitchen cabinets
  • algae off siding of any type
  • algae from patios, roofs, any exterior surface
  • musty camping gear and tents
  • grass stains from lawn mowers
  • oil spots from concrete

I could list at least one hundred other items.

Favorite All-Time Before & After Photo

Would you like to see my favorite before and after photos sent in by a happy customer?

CLICK HERE and be SURE to read Georgia's story below the photos.

How-To-Use Videos

CLICK HERE to watch different videos showing how to USE Stain Solver oxygen bleach.

Doubting Thomas Are You?

That's what Yoda would say if you're not convinced at this point.

If you think oxygen bleach is a bunch of balderdash, then I'll issue you a challenge.

CLICK HERE and purchase our smallest size.

It's only $11.95 with FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the USA including US Territories.

Read the Use Instructions online once you get it. Experiment.

If you're UNHAPPY with it's performance, Kathy will issue a REFUND with NO HASSLE - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

I'm confident it will work, that's why I offer up this guarantee to a first-time user.

We've sold HUNDREDS OF TONS of Stain Solver over the years to tens of THOUSANDS of satisfied customers. If Stain Solver was a CRAP product, Kathy and I would be out of business.

If you want to order a LARGER size and get a sweet discount, then use the following promo code.

The code EXPIRES in just FIVE DAYS:



That's quite enough for today. Stain Solver oxygen bleach WILL CHANGE your life for the better. It's safe around your family and pets - that's just another reason to use it!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Co-Founder - www.StainSolver.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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