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April 25, 2011 AsktheBuilder Tips And Newsletter

If you're a NEW subscriber to my AsktheBuilder.com newsletter in the last five days, this is NOT a normal newsletter.

This is a very quick reminder that one of my annual promotions is about to expire.

Yes, the Annual Stain Solver Spring Sale is going to END at Midnight tonight April 25, 2011. You have only HOURS left to save not only money, but lots of your possessions.

Use this promo code:  ENJOYYOURBACKYARD    to get a 25 percent discount off our normal pricing.

If you're a long-time subscriber, you know three things:

  1. Stain Solver oxygen bleach is perhaps the best stain cleaner out there.
  2. You know Stain Solver is as green as can be. It's made in the USA from USA ingredients that are food-grade quality. You can't get better than that.
  3. Stain Solver cleans hundreds of stains.

Just last week, we got dramatic before and after photos of how Stain Solver was used to clean grape jelly from brand new seat cushions.

Yes, it's an amazing product. Don't miss out on this sale.

Go here to discover all the facts about Stain Solver:



Tim Carter
Founder -
www.AsktheBuilder.com and StainSolver.com

100 Swain Road
Meredith, NH 03253, USA


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