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April 19, 2016 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I've been more than a little busy. How about you?

What follows is a tip that could save your life or that of a loved one.

I'm getting deeper and deeper into my one hobby - amateur radio. Yesterday I had a brief conversation, we call it an exchange, with Gennady in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Two things may interest you. First, I was sending and receiving Morse code. Second, I was only using 5 watts of power. That's the power used to make your tiny night light glow in your bathroom or hallway.

Since summer is just about upon us, you're going to start to see more stories in the news about people that get lost in the wilderness and either die or are rescued days later just barely alive.

What if I told you that that you could have a small radio, about the size of a deck of cards, that costs less than $40 that you can use to get help?

This radio is ten times more powerful than your silly cell phone. Have you ever noticed your cell phone rarely works once you're away from the road?

This tiny radio WILL WORK, and work well if you can get up high on a hill. You can program it to connect to other radios where you're traveling.

To operate it, you just need a simple Technician's license that takes about 8 hours worth of studying.

You should give this serious consideration if you do plan to be in the wilderness.

If you want to discover how easy it is to use these radios, I suggest you contact your local amateur radio club. They will GLADLY help you.

Just go to Bing.com or Google and type in your city or town name followed with amateur radio club.

For example:

buffalo amateur radio club

CLICK HERE to see if you knew how to keep your outdoor shed from BLOWING across your yard during the next windstorm!!!


Speech Time - University of Cincinnati

I was invited to give a speech at the University of Cincinnati in five months. I'll be on campus on September 30, 2016.

You can count on me doing a meet up before or after my speech. I believe the speech will be open to the general public in case you want to attend. As I get more details I'll share them here.

Create a Finished Doorway in Concrete Block

Jeff Selvidio lives in Largo, FL and hired me to help him with a project at his home.

While this is somewhat rare, you may be faced with a similar problem and it might be a brick or rock wall.

CLICK HERE to read what I told Jeff to do so he could create a sleek drywall doorway opening in a concrete block wall.

Stain Solver SALE

We'll be having a sale on Stain Solver next week. This Friday we'll be starting a manufacturing run.

Stain Solver is blended and orders are filled at a facility in Chicago. We used to do it ourselves, but the business grew too much and it was better to have it outsourced.

The problem is we have to FORECAST what we might sell in each size for several months in advance. No matter what we try to do, we never get it right and we sell out of certain sizes faster than others.

The minimum manufacturing run is TEN TONS. So we can't just fill random containers as orders come in like we used to do a few years back.

Stain Solver is a Certified organic oxygen bleach that Kathy and I started to make and sell about twenty-three years ago.

It cleans just about anything water washable. CLICK HERE and look at some of the amazing before and after photos sent in by users just like you.

CLICK HERE for my all-time FAVORITE Before and After photo and story.

Bath Remodel Progress!

Well, the stud walls are up, the new Broan bath fan with Sensonic stereo speakers is installed, and I'm days away from installing the drywall!

Here are a few videos for you to watch to catch up to where I am.

Concrete Slab Removal Tips

Relocate Shower Drain Part One

Relocate Shower Drain Part Two

Install New Shower Drain Part One

Install New Shower Drain Part Two

That's enough for today.

I'll be back on Friday.

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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