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April 12, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

I can tell you’re new here. It’s so delightful to have a new friend! I like to listen to music when I compose this newsletter. Do you hear the rhythmic drums pounding and the guitar screeching? When I was a conductor on a train line, I didn’t much like people getting romantic while they “might be lookin’ for a moonbeam a little more to the right”. Know what I’m listening to? Clue: When you move, you often use one.

You, on the other hand, could have been here for such a long time that you remember when I talked about why you NEVER EVER want to clean anything outside, like the deck below, with chlorine bleach. It’s VERY TOXIC. CLICK or TAP HERE to refresh your memory. You'll be STUNNED what chlorine bleach can do to harm SO MANY THINGS.

deck over water


Are you growing increasingly frustrated with lots of things being withheld from you, not the least of which are many of your God-given liberties and access to quality products? I don't want you to think I'm advocating public disobedience regarding any directives, but one has to wonder if the cure is worse than the illness.

Just moments ago as I was eating breakfast, I was pondering past TV commercials for a brand-name paper towel. I was eating BBs. Do you know what cereal that is? Think.

I LOVE watching TV commercials for any number of reasons. Some make me laugh and others are quite creative. For years, I’ve seen TV commercials about how a major brand paper towel is much stronger than the also-rans.

Because I know how to edit video with cutaway shots, the side-by-side comparisons made me skeptical. I always thought the demonstrations were rigged because there was no way a competitor’s paper towel could be that worthless.

Guess what? I was WRONG!

For weeks, our grocery store has been sold out of the great paper towels I’ve always bought. I’m having to use PIECE-OF-CRAP imposters that are labeled as paper towels. These things are such poor quality I can’t believe anyone buys them a SECOND TIME.

If you get them wet, they fall apart faster than toilet paper!

Why is this important? In the past 24 hours I’ve been forced to think WHY the Stain Solver I sell is so much better than other cleaners. BTW, I started the company 25-years-ago.

Why is Stain Solver the BEST cleaner out there? It’s because it works - I mean it REALLY WORKS.

Stain Solver is a certified organic cleaner that cleans ANYTHING that's water-washable.
Stain Solver Oxygen Bleach

You may already be a Stain Solver customer for life. You’ve bought it month after month for the past 20+ years. The reason you keep buying Stain Solver is the same reason I buy those great paper towels - BOTH work.

But if you’ve NEVER BEEN EXPOSED to the BEST of anything or anyone, and that can be a person, a product, or a song, you have NO CLUE that what you’re experiencing each day is sub-standard. You don’t have enough data to make an informed decision.

You might mumble as you struggle each day doing whatever, “Well, I guess everyone else who uses this stuff suffers just like me.”

It’s time to re-evaluate much of the madness of the past three weeks.

It’s also time for you to think about buying quality stuff. Many quality products are available right now! With that in mind, allow me to share with you a few of the best things I’ve discovered while being the AsktheBuilder.com guy.

The BEST Paint for Vinyl Siding

Are you tired of the color of your vinyl siding? Or, is the CHEAP CRAPPY siding on your home fading like this? The reason it's fading is because the siding manufacturer failed to put in enough titanium dioxide and other UV-defense ingredients, but that's a story for another day.

Did you know vinyl siding can be painted?

painting vinyl siding

CLICK or TAP HERE to see HOW to paint vinyl siding, vinyl fencing, or any outside vinyl. You’ll discover the BEST paint to use as you scroll down the page. It’s near the bottom.

Tim, How About the BEST Sandpaper?

I’m glad you asked. Are all sandpapers the same? Were all the dates you went on in the past the same? Bingo! The answer to both questions is, NO!

If you’re like many, some of your date memories were unforgettable while others are lost in clouds of smoke or piles of hay. Perhaps you’ve forgotten any number of your date nights because you had so many guys or girls wanting to go out with you that they each one was holding onto a take-a-number ticket like you get at the deli.

Now, back to sandpaper.

Look at this photo:

Which sandpaper in the group is the best? Why? Do you use different sandpapers for DIFFERENT projects?

My, you ask great questions! Your investigative skills and magic are remarkable!

CLICK or TAP HERE and discover answers that will surprise you like getting a prize package that holds a new and delightful colored marking pen or two you had no idea even existed!

STOP Moss and Algae on Your Roof

Do you battle moss and algae on your roof? Would you like to STOP it and never deal with it again?

Did you know I’ve been selling a product that will do just that?

CLICK or TAP HERE and watch this video that will PROVE to you why my product works. I guarantee you’ll be shaking your head. Trust me, shaking one’s head enough can lead to amazing things happening!

Repair A Handrail in Concrete or Brick

How would you like to discover a foolproof and permanent repair for fixing a dangerous loose handrail that’s rattling against a concrete or brick wall?

Hell, yeah, Tim! BRING IT ON. Show me now!

Tell me if you know the BEST WAY to fix this:

repair handrail in brick or concrete

HAH, no way did you come up with the solution. Not on your best day.

What’s the secret method I use? LISTEN to the podcast at the top of the page. WATCH THE VIDEO of me using a roto-hammer drill showing exactly HOW to FIX this forever.

CLICK or TAP HERE to see how I’d fix this forever.

That’s enough for a Sunday.

I’ll be back in your Inbox in a few days.

Stay healthy. Don’t buy CRAP paper towels and worthless cheap cleaners. And by all means, never forget your best dates!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
BEST DARN CLEANER, Period - www.StainSolver.com
Invisible Happiness - www.W3ATB.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

P.S. What are the best nails to use outdoors? Seriously, do you REALLY know? Don’t try to BS me. Do you think I have “stupid” tattooed on my forehead?

CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you were right.


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