Q&A / 

Ants Carpenter

Carpenter Ants Literature

The literature is bursting with references, stories, articles, etc. concerning carpenter ants. Some excellent information is available from:

  • National Pest Control Association
    8100 Oak Street
    Dunn Loring, Virginia 22027
    800-678-6722 (NPCA)

This association will most likely refer you to a local exterminator. Ask if they have any free literature that will help you with your pest problems.

Give them a call and ask for any and all pertinent information regarding carpenter ants and their control.

If you like visiting libraries, especially ones that have a decent periodical (magazine) collection, then you will be amazed at what you will find. Several magazines have had excellent feature articles on carpenter ants. If your library is like mine, it very well may have these back issues on microfilm or on a computer disk. Both would allow you to print out a specific article in a flash! The magazines are:

  • American Entomologist
  • Pest Management
  • Pest Control
  • Pest Control Technology

Carpenter Ant infestation? Pick the best exterminator using my Termite and Carpenter Ant Checklist. I offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

The Winter 1995 issue of American Entomologist had a great article. Check out the May 1991 issue of Pest Management as well.

Finally, contact:

  • Washington State University
    Cooperative Extension Service
    College of Agriculture and Home Economics
    Pullman, Washington 99164

Search their web site for Extension Bulletin 0818. (http://cru.cahe.wsu.edu/CEPublications/eb0818/eb0818.pdf)

Column B118


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