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Amazon Reviews Fake and Paid For

My wife Kathy and I love Amazon.com. We've come to TRUST them as a great company. We buy lots of stuff from Amazon.com. We know our UPS driver on a first name basis he's here so often! This was so important, that it was mentioned in the February 22, 2015 AsktheBuilder Weekend Alert Newsletter.

We decided six years ago, at the suggestion of our then future son-in-law,  that we should be selling our Certified organic Stain Solver on Amazon.  I looked at the costs to do this and decided it was a very good idea. Suffice it to say it was a GREAT IDEA.

In fact, I've just recently launched a new line of products, many more will be coming soon, called Uncle Tim's Cleaners at Amazon.com. I'm quite confident these will do well too. There will be an Uncle Tim's product for just about every cleaning problem you have.

But what does all of this have to do with you and how you buy things each day at Amazon?

I'm sure you may not believe some of the reviews at Amazon when you read them, but are you aware that companies exist out there that generate THOUSANDS of UNETHICAL reviews on Amazon? Well, it's a fact and you need to really do your due diligence to make sure the product you're buying is a good one.

Read an email I received yesterday that I got since I'm a seller on Amazon:

Hey Stain Solver, I saw your product http://www.amazon.com/Stain-Solver-Oxygen-Bleach-Cleaner/dp/B004S11YYI and noticed it currently has 60 Reviews with a total overall rating of 3.9 out of 5 stars. Our company http://www.BuyAzonReviews.com helps sellers that are struggling with getting reviews and sales. We can boost your overall product rankings and authority on amazon by providing 100% real and safe reviews.

I mean wouldn't you rather have 1,000's of high quality reviews then a overall star rating of 3.9 out of 5 stars with only 60? If so, start increasing your sales today with http://www.BuyAzonReviews.com

If you spend time at that website, you'll discover quickly it's much like a puppy mill.

The reviews that are created are NOT GENUINE because the reviewers are getting paid to review the product. It's their job or is a part-time job they do from home. The reviewers had no intention of buying Stain Solver in the first place. This is the primary reason the reviews are unethical.

The reviewers are, no doubt, told to ALWAYS leave a glowing 5-star review.

A genuine review is one where the reviewer really wants the product, uses it and tells the TRUTH about their experience. In the case of Stain Solver, I would venture to say 98% of the people who would normally buy it have a 5-star experience. You can see that in the product reviews of Stain Solver.

The few poor reviews we get can always be traced to one of two things:

  • the review is from a competitor trying to trash our product
  • the review is from a real customer that didn't follow the How-to-Use instructions

If you've not yet tried Stain Solver, you just have to look at the striking Before and After photos to become a believer!

From now on, just be aware that some of the reviews you're reading at Amazon are not real and genuine. 

The Clark Howard website has a tip or two about spotting FAKE and BOGUS reviews. One of my subscribers alerted me to this helpful information taken with attribution from Clark's site:

  • Spot the easy red flags. One easy way to get a feel for whether or not you're reading a legit review is to read a poster's reviews of businesses, products, or services other than just the one you're looking for. If they use the same cut-and-paste language in every review, you have an indication that they may be a paid reviewer putting out false information.
  • Look for at least 2 dozen reviews for a given business. You want to see a lot of opinions before you can know that there's a credible trend happening. A handful of stray reviews won't cut it. Generally, at least 2 dozen reviews is a good guideline.
  • Throw out the excessively positive and negative.  Let's face it: There are people who will find something to be grumpy about no matter what. And others love life and always write in superlatives. But over time, you can glean the collective wisdom. If every single review you read about a business is glowing, or every single one is negative, then you know something's wrong.

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