Alta Norway Mudslide
Alta Norway Mudslide - Often Disaster Can be Predicted
The tragedy of the eight houses being swept into the ocean may have been prevented. Norway has quick clays and they are not very strong soils.
There could be historical data that told of other past mudslides in this area. Geologic mapping might identify them as you see below.
You can also look at geology maps like this and get a clue based on rock formations that have a history of landslides:

This is a copy of a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) geologic topographic map of the East End of Cincinnati, OH. The downtown area would be just to the left of what you see. The Kope and Lower Fairview formations are the light pink rock just above the magenta alluvium that's north of the Ohio River. (C) Copyright 2017 USGS and every US taxpayer that owns the maps. CLICK HERE or THE IMAGE TO BUY GEOLOGIC MAPS FOR YOUR AREA.
How Can I Buy Land That Doesn't Slide?
Here's a checklist to use to help identify towns, cities, or land that might be susceptible to mudslides and landslides:
- Stop by firehouses and talk to older firefighters or the watch captain. Ask about slides.
- Do a simple search online using "your town mudslide" or "your town landslide".
- Call excavation contractors in the area. Ask about unstable soils.
- Hire a geotechnical engineer to render an opinion. CLICK HERE to get FREE QUOTES from one in your area.

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