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Abrasives & Specialty Sandpaper

Other Abrasives & Specialty Sandpaper

If you need specialty sandpapers or other abrasive tools, trust me, they are out there! You can purchase sandpapers in just about any type, size, shape and profile to meet just about every need.

Woodworkers know that they can buy waterstones and diamond stones for sharpening wood chisels, knives, and other cutting tools. Did you say waterstones? Yes, I did.

Waterstones are becoming the sweetheart of the sharpening industry rather than the oil stones used in the past. You simply soak the stones in water for about 10 minutes prior to using them and sprinkle water on the stone as you use it. The water acts as a swell lubricant and you don't have any oil residue on the blade once you are done.

The industrial diamond stones come in a wide range of grits that allows you to produce surgical sharp edges on knives and chisels. They are awesome.

Companion Articles: Sandpaper Selection, Sandpaper Comparison, Foam Pads for Sanding, Sandpaper Facts

Column B281


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